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Why Do I Have Earwigs In My Southern Maine Home?


Southern Maine is a vacationer’s paradise. The region has sandy beaches, excellent restaurants, and numerous indoor and outdoor activities for every season. People can't wait to visit! One pest that also enjoys this Southern Maine paradise is the earwig. Whether inland or on the shore, the mysterious earwig can hitchhike its way into your home and scare the people you love.

Little-Known Facts About Earwigs

Words associated with earwigs for most people include: frightening, scary, mysterious, and creepy. In reality, earwigs are not dangerous at all, but they can be a nuisance when they arrive in your home. Two earwig species that are common in Southern Maine are the European earwig and the Maritime earwig.

European earwigs measure between 1/3 to 2/3 of an inch long, and they are a dark brown to reddish color. Their pincers are at the back of their elongated, segmented bodies. These earwigs can be considered beneficial in gardens because they eat aphids, but when food gets scarce, they can also munch on the roots of planted flowers both in the ground and in containers. They will also chew on the flower blossoms of fruits and vegetables. When these things happen, earwigs go from being beneficial to pests.

Maritime earwigs measure between 2/3 to one inch in length, and their coloration is orange-brown and black. Their pincers are at the back of their abdomen, and they also have elongated segmented bodies. Maritime earwigs live by the ocean. They will get themselves close to the coastline at night (when tides are high) to feed on insects and fresh insect eggs they find in wet sand. They also feed on dead arthropods that waves bring onshore. When cold temperatures arrive, maritime earwigs are the last to seek shelter. They can survive temperatures just above freezing.

What Everyone Ought To Know Southern Maine Earwigs

Outside is an earwig’s favorite place to live. During the day, earwigs will hide in cold, wet areas that stay undisturbed. They are most active at night and generally feast on decaying vegetation and plants. Some species target seedlings and smaller arthropods and insects. Earwigs often congregate together outdoors in large numbers under piles of lawn debris, mulch, or tree holes. When they need food, or there is a change in weather, earwigs may move indoors. Once inside your home, they will often appear in areas near sources of moisture.

How To Keep Earwigs Away From Your Southern Maine Property

When temperatures change, food and water become scarce; this is when earwigs will move indoors. They will look for easy access points into homes. There are some preventative measures homeowners can take to keep earwigs away.

Some preventative measures are as follows:

  • Ventilate basements.
  • Use a dehumidifier in high-moisture areas.
  • Keep unfinished basements as clean as possible as earwigs love dirt and leaves.
  • Seal all cracks and crevices with a silicone-based caulk.
  • Seal gaps in doors and windows.
  • Seal attic and foundation vents.
  • Remove leaf and mulch piles and excess vegetation in the yard.
  • Move firewood and logs away from your home.
  • Make sure gutters and downspouts drain well away from your home.
  • Trim shrubs that can create damp, shady areas around your yard.

It may seem like a lot but taking steps to avoid an earwig infestation is a lot more pleasant than experiencing one!

Get Rid Of Your Earwig Problem Once And For All

Getting rid of earwigs on your own can be difficult. Big Blue Bug Solutions has the knowledge, tools, and equipment to rid them from your home. You also have our guarantee that if they come back, we come back for free. To reign in earwigs or prevent them in the first place, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today.