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What To Do About Yellow Jackets On Your Worcester Property

Y ellow jacket on a rock

While bees might be thought of with fondness by some people because of their bright coloring and fuzzy look, yellow jackets aren’t seen as nearly as welcoming. These stinging insects might have some similarities to bees, but they are more aggressive and dangerous.

Many people are afraid of these pests, and there is good reason to feel worried. The stings they inflict can be painful, and in some cases, they can have serious side effects. While in nature yellow jackets serve an important purpose as they are pollinators and control the populations of smaller insects, having them around your Worcester property is not safe.

To help you protect yourself and others from these difficult pests, we’ve put together a guide on how to identify, prevent, and remove yellow jackets.

Identifying Yellow Jackets.

One thing many people don’t realize about yellow jackets is that they are actually a kind of wasp. They are one of thousands of wasp species, but they do share some general characteristics of wasps. They have long, narrow bodies and a sleek, furless texture as opposed to bees which are much rounder in shape and fuzzy.

Yellow jackets also have a particularly small “waist" that attaches their thorax to their abdomen. You can also identify these pests by their nests. They prefer to build next near the ground or on it such as in sidewalk cracks, under porches, or at the base of trees.

Just How Dangerous Are Yellow Jackets?

While all stinging wasps and bees can be dangerous if you’re allergic to their venom, yellow jackets are of particular concern. They are more aggressive than most other species in the area, so they are more likely to sting. Some wasps and bees really only attack when threatened or to defend their hives, but yellow jackets are not as docile.

The other big concern with yellow jackets is that they are able to sting multiple times in a row. This means they can inject venom over and over as opposed to just stinging once and then dying as some bee species do. Because of this, even healthy adults who aren’t allergic can end up in the hospital after being stung by yellow jackets.

If you’ve been stung by a yellow jacket, it’s always a smart idea to consult your healthcare provider just to be safe.

How To Safely Remove Yellow Jackets?

If you’ve noticed yellow jackets around your property, trying to deal with them using do-it-yourself removal methods isn’t advised. This is when yellow jackets are at their most dangerous. If you do see a nest, let the professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions assist you. We can remove these stinging pests from your property safely and efficiently, so you don't put yourself at risk. Give our technicians a call today to learn more about our residential and commercial yellow jacket and wasp control plans.

Five Yellow Jacket Prevention Tips

While professional wasp control is the best way to handle all stinging insects, there are also some measures you can take on your own to keep yellow jackets and other species away.

Here are five of the simplest and most effective prevention steps:

  1. Remove standing water from your property and ensure that gutters are clear so that rainwater can drain.
  2. If you’re eating outside, make sure to clean up any food or drink spills right away.
  3. Make sure to keep any hot tubs, pools, or other water features cleaned with cycled water and to use the correct chemicals.
  4. Regularly trim and maintain your yard which includes maintenance of bushes, trees, and shrubs as well as keeping your grass mowed.
  5. Keep any pet food stored indoors and remove bird feeders.

For help removing or preventing yellow jackets and other pests call Big Blue Bug Solutions today.
