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Southern Maine’s Complete Fly Control Guide

flies on fruit

Some of Southern Maine’s yummy treats start with breakfast featuring blueberry pancakes topped with Maine maple syrup, followed by a delicious cup of “chowdah” for lunch. Finishing off the day at the coast offers up some stunning dishes such as crab cakes, fried clams, and fresh lobster. After stuffing ourselves on these delicious meals, the bits and pieces that are left often find their way into the trash, and the pungent smell invites local flies to come in and feast.

What Everyone Ought To Know About Southern Maine Flies

It seems like everywhere you go, annoying flies are buzzing around somewhere. Not only are they bothersome, but they can also be dangerous. Identification and prevention are crucial; it is wise to know what flies you are dealing with in your area and methods to stop them from becoming a problem in your home.

Three common Southern Maine flies include:

  1. Blowflies: Adults are about ¼ inch long with a shiny, metallic body that can be either green with a bronze tint in the warmer months or blue to blackish-purple in the cooler months. Blowflies are scavengers having one pair of wings and large compound eyes. They feast on decaying materials, rotting vegetation, garbage, fecal matter, and decomposing animals. Because of this, they can become carriers of diseases such as E-coli, typhoid, dysentery, and even myiasis.
  2. Fruit Flies: These oval-shaped flies are small at 1/8 of an inch. Their bodies are tan with a light abdomen and black rear end. Fruit flies get their name because of their fondness for some fruits. They feed on the moist, decaying matter that sits for multiple days, especially fruits and vegetables.
  3. House Flies: These flies measure between 1/8 inch to ¼ inches long (females being larger). Their coloration is gray with four black stripes on their thorax; they are also a little hairy. They pick up pathogens when they feed on trash, feces, and decaying items. There are more than 100 different pathogens these flies can transfer to surfaces. Some of those pathogens include tuberculosis, salmonellosis, and typhoid. On top of everything else, house flies defecate on surfaces where they land.

No fly is a good fly in Maine homes and businesses. No matter which of these species is bugging you, it's important to find ways to keep them out.

How To Prevent Flies From Accessing Southern Maine Homes

Flies can freely enter your home through open doors and windows. Because they are small, they can also get inside through the tiniest cracks and crevices. Structural weak spots like damaged screens can provide easy access. Fruit flies are more prone to get into your home by hitching a ride on fruit brought in from the outside.

Why You Get Flies: Be Aware Of Fly Attractions

Flies ordinarily hatch outside and then find their way into homes. They prefer strong smells and warm places. Fruit flies are a little different in that they usually hitchhike their way inside and look for food waste and overripe produce. The best prevention for flies is to practice good sanitation both inside and out. With some preventative measures, homeowners can eliminate or reduce fly infestations.

Prevention measures include:

  • Regularly remove trash using well-sealed trash bags.
  • Clean up pet feces immediately.
  • Keep the yard clear of debris and stagnant/standing water.
  • Install/repair mesh screens on doors and windows.
  • Remove and dispose of any decaying matter quickly.
  • Keep animal wounds clean.
  • Store food properly to avoid decay/rotting.
  • Keep counter surfaces clean.

It's far easier to keep flies out than to get rid of a population after it moves in. Staying on top of these prevention methods can save you lots of time and aggravation in the future.

The Secret To Keeping Flies Away From Your Southern Maine Property

Fly infestations in your home can be tough to locate and remove. Trust the pest professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions to keep flies and other pests out of your home. With over 80 years of experience, you can depend on us to find and remove pest infestations and to keep them from coming back.

Call Big Blue Bug Solutions today for a free estimate.
