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How To Get Rid of Rats On Your Southern Maine Property

rodents in kitchen

Rats are one of the most difficult species of pest you’ll ever deal with in Southern Maine. These rodents can be terrible to deal with because they are both dangerous and destructive, not to mention invasive.

One big reason for this is that rats are adept at living alongside humans. They can adapt to live inside our homes and businesses, and they can thrive by eating the food we leave around as they aren’t picky about what they eat.

There are actually two main rat varieties that are commonly found in the area. The first is the roof rat, also known as the black rat. They are dark brown to black and are known for being great climbers. As such, they are often found in attics and upper levels of buildings. The other species is the Norway rat, or brown rat. They are a brownish-grey color and aren’t as good at climbing but are great swimmers.

Because rats can be such an issue once they invade properties, this guide is here to help you learn how to prevent and control these rodents.

What Issues Do Rats Cause?

To start with, rats, like all rodents, constantly chew on things to keep their teeth from getting too big. They are able to gnaw through many materials, even sturdy ones. This means they can destroy furniture, plastic, wires, pipes, drywall, and more. They also leave a big mess behind as they urinate and leave their droppings everywhere they go.

However, the bigger issues with rats are related to the health risks they pose. Rats are known to spread illnesses like rat-bite fever and tularemia, and they also can carry parasites such as fleas and ticks. And, even their feces, fur, and urine can lead to respiratory problems, including asthma attacks and allergic reactions.

Six Rat Prevention Tips

While rats might be harmful to have around, they are also an unfortunately troublesome pest to keep out. Because they can chew through many things, they can easily push their way inside a building by finding small cracks and making them wider. They can also fit through holes the size of a quarter. And, they are also prolific and reproduce quickly, so their numbers grow exponentially.

While these factors do make rat prevention difficult, there are still some steps you can take to make your property less appealing to rats, such as:

  1. Sealing up holes in the walls and foundation with materials like wire mesh and steel wool that they can’t chew through.
  2. Covering vents and chimneys with wire mesh.
  3. Cleaning up food and drink spills right away and keeping kitchens cleaned.
  4. Storing pet food indoors in airtight containers.
  5. Placing secure lids on trash cans both inside and outside and ensuring that there isn’t trash around your property.
  6. Keeping the humidity levels in your home or business down by repairing leaky plumbing and using dehumidifiers.

These steps are a great way to minimize your risk of rats moving into your building but likely not enough to eliminate an existing population.

How Do You Remove Rats From Your Home Or Business?

Rats are one of the hardest pests to remove using DIY methods, so if you already have an infestation, the safest and most effective way to eradicate them is with assistance from Big Blue Bug Solutions.

Instead of wasting precious time and money, let our technicians use their experience and skills to remove these rodents swiftly and keep them from becoming a problem again.

We also offer free inspections, so contact us today to learn more about rodent control options for your residential or commercial property.
