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Southern Maine Homeowners' Complete Guide To Bed Bug Prevention

A bed bug on someone's skin.

Where Bed Bugs Can Happen

Bed bugs are notorious for being in hotels, motels, and anywhere you might rest your head while traveling. Did you know, however, that bed bugs could be found in your own home? You might be thinking, 'My home and bedding are clean. I don't have to worry about bed bugs.' While it's true that cleanliness and sanitation help, it doesn't mean you are out of the woods with bed bugs. They can affect anyone, anywhere, and they will even make themselves at home in clean, well-cared-for establishments. 

You might be wondering how they could come into your home. Bed bugs are notorious hitchhikers. They most likely find their way into homes or businesses by traveling on people, furniture, or belongings. Here are a few ways they make their way inside:

  • Returning with them from travel
  • Bringing in second-hand furniture, especially beds and nightstands
  • Bringing home second-hand appliances and clothing 

Bed bugs are not to be taken lightly, especially with the rise in reported bed bug problems. With travel ramping up again after last year's COVID-19 shutdowns, it's essential to be mindful of cleanliness, sanitation, and observation of not only where you are staying on the road, but also what you bring home with you.

Big Blue Bug Solutions' Tips For Keeping Bed Bugs Out Of Your Southern Maine Home 

Whether you are traveling for the weekend or shopping for used furniture at your favorite thrift store, we want to prepare you with the prevention tactics to keep bed bugs out of your bed. 

  1. Thoroughly inspect hotel beds, mattresses, and covers before utilizing them. Notify the staff of the hotel if you do find any bed bugs. Be sure to also look over the other furniture in the room before setting down or storing your belongings.
  2. When traveling through airports, subways, bus stations, and other transportation hubs, it is always best to stand when you can instead of sitting. If you do need to sit, examine the chair for any signs of pests.
  3. Consider wrapping your luggage in a protective covering when flying, especially if you are checking a bag. This will further protect your suitcase from being infiltrated by any pesky creatures.
  4. Examine and sanitize your luggage when you return from a trip. Be sure to wash ALL of your clothing in hot water. This will help to eliminate any bugs that may have slipped through.
  5. If you are out shopping for clothes, steer clear of any clothing or fabric that has stains. Be sure to wash and dry any and all new or used clothing before wearing it or storing it in your room.
  6. Carefully examine new and used furniture before it comes into your home. It's always a good idea to wipe down the piece and look through all the drawers. Do the same with new beds and mattresses. Make sure that seals haven't been broken and look for any signs of bugs.
  7. When purchasing second-hand furniture or appliances, see if you notice a sour odor coming from the piece. Any odd color stains or remains of bugs could indicate an active infestation problem with the furniture or appliance piece. Be sure to sanitize anything before bringing it into your home.

These protective measures will help to protect you from the annoyances of bed bugs. With proper sanitization and observation, you can easily limit your chances of letting a bed bug bite. But, the best way to handle bed bugs is still with professional pest control.

Let Big Blue Bug Solutions Eliminate Bed Bugs

While protective measures are highly encouraged, prevention can never be 100% effective. If you do find yourself in the middle of a bed bug issue, contact the professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions. With over 80 years of experience protecting New England homes and businesses, we have the ability and resources to eliminate bed bugs and any other pests you may encounter, including wildlife!

Reach out to us today, so we can help solve your bed bug problem discreetly and completely.
