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The Trick To Keeping House Spiders Out Of Your Connecticut Home

a house spider on white surface

Of all the pests you might find infesting your Connecticut home, few are as feared as spiders. Maybe it’s the way they crawl, maybe it’s their menacing fangs, or maybe it’s the painful bites. Whatever the reason may be, spiders are some of the most commonly feared pests on the planet. Even if you aren’t afraid of spiders, the mere presence of them in your home could indicate further pest problems. That’s why you should want to keep house spiders out of your Connecticut home. To do so, you need to know what attracts house spiders into homes in the first place. Then, you can begin to limit these factors. Furthermore, should the issue become too large, you need to know the effective solutions you can count on to get them out.

What Do House Spiders Look Like?

House spiders typically grow to be about ¼ of an inch long. They are usually yellowish-brown with white and dark markings on their abdomens. Like all spiders, house spiders do have fangs and are venomous. However, their venom is not potent enough to negatively affect humans. Despite this, bites from house spiders can be painful. Although they only bite in rare instances, you still don’t want house spiders living in your Connecticut home.

Where Can You Find House Spiders?

House spiders build webs which means they can usually be found in locations that are amenable to this. This includes upper corners, under furniture, closets, attics, basements, window frames, and crawl spaces. Although finding a spider here or it is normal, if you think you are seeing more house spiders in your home than usual, it is probably because they have outgrown their habitat and have become more visible.

How Can You Prevent House Spiders?

To keep house spiders out of your home, you should try to seal off potential entry points and make the home-less hospitable to them. To achieve these goals, you should:

  • Fill in cracks in your home’s foundation.
  • Install door sweeps under exterior doors.
  • Install weatherstripping around exterior doors and windows.
  • Install screens, or repair existing screens, in windows and exterior doors.
  • Wipe away webs as you come across them.
  • Keep closets, crawl spaces, attics, and other storage areas free of debris.

In addition to taking these house spider prevention measures, you should also practice general pest prevention as spiders typically enter homes because there is an abundance of other pests that they can feed on. Therefore, some pest prevention measures you should take include:

  • Store garbage in bins with tight-fitting lids and take out the trash regularly.
  • Store food in airtight containers or the fridge.
  • Wipe up any spills immediately and refrain from stacking dirty dishes in the sink.
  • Install dehumidifiers to address moisture issues in your home, especially poorly ventilated areas. 
  • Fix leaking pipes and fixtures.

What Are Some Spider Control Solutions You Can Count On?

While you should always strive to practice proper spider and pest prevention techniques, you could still find yourself dealing with a house spider infestation in your Connecticut home. If such is the case, don’t delay, and call the trained pest professionals here at Big Blue Pest Solutions right away. Here at Big Blue Pest Solutions, we offer quality house spider control options that you can count on to effectively eliminate any house spider from within your home. Furthermore, you can opt for one of our ongoing treatment plans to ensure your Connecticut home remains spider and pest-free all year long. Nobody wants to share their home with creepy-crawly spiders. Give us a call today to get started with a spider control plan that works for you.
