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The Trick To Keeping Flies Out Of Your Worcester Home

flies on a banana

One of the issues with common home-invading pests is that they become so common that we forget just how dangerous they can be. One such group of pests that we need to be cognizant of here in the Worcester area is flies. There are several fly species that you may find in or around your home. Although some are simply nuisances, others can spread harmful diseases. As such, all flies should be treated as hazardous around the home. That means you need to know the effective preventative measures you can take to help keep flies out of your Worcester home. 

Home-Invading Flies Common To The Area

Although there are many species of flies, some of the most common home-invading flies in the Worcester area are blow flies, fruit flies, and house flies. Blow flies grow to be about 5/8th of an inch long. They are metallic blue, green, or brassy colored, and they have sponging mouthparts that allow them to feed on liquids.

Fruit flies are tiny little flies that grow to be about 1/8th of an inch long, including their wings. They are typically tan, yellow, or brownish-black with bright red eyes. Fruit flies often invade in very large numbers.

House flies are similar in size to blow flies, measuring in at about 5/8th of an inch. They are normally gray with four dark stripes on their thoraxes. House flies also have sponging mouthparts that allow them to feed on liquids.

Dangers Posed By Flies

Although there are flies that do bite such as horse flies and deer flies, the flies you will most likely see in your home do not bite. Instead, they threaten us by spreading harmful contaminants to the various surfaces and food in our home. Many flies are drawn to decaying matter such as animal carcasses, feces, and items found in trash cans which can be home to any number of harmful bacteria and pathogens. Flies will land in these unsanitary locations and pick up said harmful contaminants with their legs and bodies. When those flies come into our homes, they bring those hazardous substances with them, spreading them to countertops, dishes, food, and other surfaces. Some diseases that flies have been known to spread include typhoid fever, tuberculosis, salmonellosis, dysentery, polio, diarrhea, anthrax, cholera, tapeworm, hookworm, and pinworm. 

Fly Prevention Techniques

Fly prevention begins with removing anything from your home that might be attracting them inside. This is often potential food sources and various decaying matter depending on the fly. Things such as improperly stored trash, improperly stored food, dirty counters and floors, old fruit, and droppings from your pets could all attract flies into your Worcester home. Additionally, flies may come inside your home simply because there are openings that they can fly through. If you want to keep flies out of your home, you need to seal off any potential entry points and remove any factors that might be attracting them inside. This includes:

  • Store all food in airtight containers or the fridge.
  • Wipe up any spills from counters and floors immediately.
  • Take out the trash regularly, and store trash in bins with lids.
  • Throw out any rotting or decaying fruits or vegetables.
  • Throw out any dead or decaying plants.
  • Pick up your pet’s droppings and dispose of them properly. 
  • Install screens in windows and exterior doors.
  • Install door sweeps under exterior doors.
  • Install weatherstripping around exterior doors and windows.

For More Advice & Assistance

If you have any further questions about flies in your Worcester home, or if you need assistance in dealing with an infestation, contact the professionals here at Big Blue Bug Solutions. With over 80 years of experience, we know just what it takes to effectively eliminate any infestation with which you are dealing. So, don’t wait until it’s too late. Give us a call today.
