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The Trick To Keeping Ticks Away From Your Portland Property

a deer tick on human skin

There isn’t a lot as disconcerting as finding a tick latched somewhere on your body. After all, ticks can spread a number of harmful bloodborne illnesses as they feed on humans and animals alike. That’s why it’s so important for you Portland property owners to do everything in your power to keep ticks out of your yard. That means making your property less hospitable to ticks, themselves, and to the various wildlife that are known to carry them. Furthermore, if the tick problem around your Portland property becomes too bad, you need to know the effective tick control solutions you can count on to take care of it.

Ticks Common To The Area

There are nearly 1,000 tick species in the world. Here in Portland, however, we only need to worry about a few of them. Some of the most common ticks in the area include black-legged ticks, American dog ticks, and lone star ticks.

Black-legged ticks, sometimes called deer ticks, are reddish-brown in color and, as their name might suggest, have darker-colored legs. American dog ticks are also reddish-brown and feature pale markings on their backs and legs. Lone star ticks get their name from the pale, star-like marking in the middle of their backs of their otherwise reddish-brown bodies.

Ticks grow to be about 1/8th of an inch long. Their oval-shaped bodies are flat before feeding, but they will engorge after they have fed on a blood meal. Additionally, they may turn a deep purplish-red after feeding.

Threats Posed By Ticks

In addition to feeding on the blood of humans, ticks also feed on the blood of many different animals. As such, they have been known to spread a number of harmful, bloodborne illnesses as they feed on the host to host. Some of these diseases include Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Powassan virus disease, borrelia miyamotoi disease, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

How Ticks Get Around

Ticks are not able to jump. Therefore, they need to rely on other methods to latch on to hosts. Usually, ticks will hang out in the brush or on a blade of tall grass and wait for a host to pass by. Then, when the post brushes up against them, they latch on, usually without the host ever knowing. Once they have finished feeding, the tick will fall off.

To lower your exposure to ticks, you need to make your property less hospitable to both ticks, themselves, and the wildlife that carry them. To do so, you should:

  • Install fencing around all fruit and vegetable gardens.
  • Pick up any fallen fruit from your yard.
  • Keep outdoor dining areas free of spills and food debris.
  • Store trash in bins with tight-fitting lids.
  • Pick up any uneaten pet food once your pet has finished eating.
  • Keep your lawn well-maintained.
  • Keep all vegetation, bushes, and shrubs trimmed back.

In addition to these, you can also limit your exposure to ticks while out in the world by:

  • Sticking the centers of hiking trails.
  • Refraining from venturing into tall grass or brush.
  • Inspecting your and your pets’ bodies after returning from spending time in the great outdoors.

For More Advice & Assistance

If you have any further questions regarding tick prevention or if you are currently dealing with a tick problem around your Portland property, contact the professionals here at Big Blue Bug Solutions right away for assistance. Not only will we effectively eliminate any ticks from around your property, but should you opt for one of our ongoing pest control plans, we will make sure your property remains pest-free all year long. Give us a call today to get started.
