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How Ants Get Into Worcester Homes & How To Keep Them Out

fire ant

Ants are very social creatures, which means that they live in large colonies of millions. All of them assigned a specific task, that they accomplish with single-minded thought and focus. If there was an employee of the month award, they would all qualify. What does this mean to the average homeowner you ask? Well, if you are having an ant problem you already know the answer. They invade! With precision and purpose. That's why Big Blue Bug Solutions has been trained to hunt down and infiltrate the ranks of the invading army of ants.

Ants Common To The Worcester Area

Most ants are just a pain in the backside, but some are dangerous to both people and the ecosystem. Prevention is the way to go here.

There are a multitude of ants in Massachusetts, but the three that seem to plaque the Worcester area with regularity are:

  • Pharaoh ant - Yellowish color; 1/32 inch. They are very tiny, and mostly nest indoors, preferring cardboard boxes and inside walls.
  • Carpenter ant - Solid black or brown, or combination of a black and red-orange; ¼-½ inch. Mostly nocturnal, nesting in hollow trees and large fallen branches, but have been known to nest in hollow doors. They do not sting, but will bite.
  • Odorous ant - Blackish brown; 1/16 - ⅛ inch. They produce a licorice-like odor when crushed.
  • European fire ant - Reddish-brown; ¼ inch. They have a nasty painful sting, and have a negative impact on the ecosystem. First discovered in Massachusetts.

And these are just the most common! The number of ants per colony varies by species. So, we’ll lowball the estimate, and say 1000. If every home in Worcester has just one colony, the number of ants in the city limits is staggering. That’s not even counting businesses, fields, and parks!

Keeping Them Out Of Your Home

Ant prevention can prove difficult, but with these few prevention tips, and Big Blue Bug Solutions’ ongoing assistance, you can keep them away.

  • Tighten up any leaky pipes, and cover them with insulation to avoid condensation.
  • Plug up all the holes that you can find in your home.
  • Keep food in plastic, airtight containers with seals. Ants are tricky, and can follow the spiral threads up into a tightly screwed-on lid to gain entry.
  • Clean up any debris or fallen trees around your home.
  • Use peppermint oil as a deterrent at entry points.
  • Take out garbage frequently.

Do what you can by following these tips, and we will do the rest! You got this! A pest-free weekend is right around the corner.

What Attracts Ants Into My Home?

You are the great attractor in this scenario. Ants are attracted to all that you have around you, and what you leave behind. They know that wherever humans live, food will be abundant. Some of their favorites are.

  • Sugar - This is at the top of the list. It can be the sugar bowl itself, or the honey jar. They can smell sweet odors, and track them.
  • Pet food is an easy target, as it is often left on the floor and forgotten about by humans.
  • Standing water near sinks is a good source, and easy access for the tiny ant.

Calling In The Big Guns

Prevention is the way to go with ants. Big Blue Bug Solutions is standing by ready to deploy. Give us a call today for a free estimate of our ant control and prevention services.
