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Four Easy Ways To Keep Earwigs Out Of Your Worcester Home

earwig crawling on grass leaf

While the stories about them may be mostly exaggerated, earwigs are still not a pest you want around your property. Just like other pests, earwigs can cause other problems that you don’t want to have to deal with in your yard or inside your home. There are ways that you can increase your odds of avoiding an invasion, but the best pest control comes from professional guidance.

An Overview Of Earwigs

Earwigs are thin, beetle-like insects that are easily identified by their rear pincers. These rear “cerci” are actually how you can tell males from females since only males have a clearly curved shape. It’s these barb-like cerci that make them look so formidable, but the truth is that they use these things to traverse leafy terrain, not to pinch people. Earwigs are typically outdoor pests and they mostly damage grasses and leafy plants. However, they will be attracted to venture inside by all the same factors that cause other types of pest infestations. That’s why no bug should be treated as an insignificant problem.

Are Earwigs Dangerous?

You’ve probably heard the horror stories of these bugs crawling inside of people’s ears or pinching so hard that they break the skin. They’re entirely overblown. The truth is that earwigs look a lot more terrifying than they really are. They don’t seek out people’s ears and their rear pincers aren’t capable of actually puncturing your skin. However, earwigs can still be problematic in their own way. They are mostly garden pests and can chew through your decorative plants. They are also attracted by other food sources, like the stuff we keep in our fridges and pantries. That’s why they can also be invasive pests that, while not vicious, you still don’t want to have around.

Earwig Prevention Tips

Taking steps around your home to prevent pest problems before they start is a smart and responsible thing to do. Keep in mind that none of these tips provide guarantees, but here are some common preventative measures you can get started on:

  1. Landscaping: As garden pests, your yard maintenance is a big part of keeping earwigs away. It's important to make sure soil beds are kept back from your exterior walls, and keeping grass trimmed and debris cleared is another crucial step.
  2. Trash Storage: The food we throw away is a feast for pests, and the smell of food can attract them from miles around. Keep both indoor and outdoor trash cans covered with tight-fitting lids.
  3. Moisture Control: Earwigs like moist soils and woods, which means areas where water pools or seeps can be an attractant. Water damage can also create openings that allow pests indoors. Limiting moisture build-up reduces both the attraction as well as these access points.
  4. Crack Sealing: Speaking of openings, pests can utilize extremely small cracks and holes as entryways. These form in exterior walls for a number of reasons, so they should be inspected and repaired regularly.

Call On Big Blue Bug Solutions

Earwigs, like all invasive pests, can lead to problems down the road. Whether it’s damage to your yard, contamination of your food or simply attracting other pests that hunt them, earwigs are yet another thing that you don’t want near your property. That’s why, instead of trying to clamp down on problems as they arise or addressing the countless things that might attract pests, you should instead turn to experts for help. The professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions can schedule an inspection of your yard right away, to make sure that invasive pests aren’t being attracted. We not only help you address the immediate problems, but we also keep you protected from future infestations, too. That’s the only way to truly make sure that pest problems never form in the first place. Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today to get started on true pest control.
