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Southern Maine’s Ultimate Spider Control Guide

close up of spider

When asked, "What are you most afraid of?" many people will answer with, “Spiders.” And with good reason. Spiders are a thing of horror movies and scary books, depicted as creepy, dangerous creatures. The most dangerous spiders in real life are the ones that are not native to Southern Maine, and if they're found here, they have most likely found a ride-in on imported goods. That said, some of the spiders that are common in Southern Maine are:

  • House spiders: House spiders are yellow-brown in color have a rather large abdomen and are typically found in homes, as their name suggests. They thrive under furniture and in closets, but don't be fooled, you may also find them in barns and sheds where they hope to catch prey. And though they pose little health risk to humans, they might bite if threatened.
  • Daddy-long-legs: Long-bodied cellar spiders, more commonly referred to as daddy-long-legs, live up to their name in more ways than one, as they are both very long and tend to seek shelter in places of high humidity and moistures, such as: cellars and basements. That said, they may also hide in windows, inside closets, and inside bath-traps. This type of spider will not bite.
  • Wolf spiders: Wolf spiders are a large, hairy type of spider that causes alarm to most people, and with good reason. They tend to stay at floor level as they hunt for prey, making them most readily spotted near walls or furniture. Outside, they prefer hiding under stone or inside firewood piles, and, similarly to several other common area spiders, they do not tend to bite humans unless they feel threatened or provoked.

Preventing Spiders’ Prey

The most direct way to prevent spiders from forming a notable population in your home is by cutting off enticements for their prey, which are typically other pests. If a spider comes looking for other pests to feast on but there are none, they will have little incentive to hang around, and that is what homeowners in Southern Maine should hope for. Here are a few tried-and-true tips for keeping pests of all sorts, and therefore, spiders, out of the home:

  • General good hygiene and cleanliness of the home will keep pests away. If something sugary spills in the kitchen, or even shampoo in the bathroom, clean up the spill quickly and thoroughly. Many pests will mistake soaps and shampoos for food, but if something like juice or syrup spills and is not cleaned up thoroughly, homeowners will be asking for trouble.
  • Address all areas of excess moisture and still water inside the home and around your property. This includes checking for leaky faucets, and drains without proper drainage, removing still water from birdbaths and flower pots, and ensuring that lawn irrigation systems are running smoothly.
  • Clearing up clutter inside the home is crucial, as many pests feed off of paper products or will lay their eggs in such spaces.

General Spider Prevention

Though homeowners in Southern Maine may well be on their way to preventing pests that spiders prey on, and therefore, preventing spiders, there are also a handful of helpful tips for getting to the root of the issue. For example, try:

  • Clear away spider webs on a regular basis if you happen to spot them in your home.
  • Store firewood and logs at least 20 feet from your home and at least five inches off of the ground. This will help to prevent pests of all sorts.
  • Identify any potential entry points for spiders and seal them up thoroughly.
  • Check screen doors and door sweeps for damage and if any is spotted, patch them up thoroughly.
  • Look for cracks in and around your home’s foundation to mitigate entry for both spiders and their prey alike.

For the best spider prevention in Southern Maine, contact the professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions today.
