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How Dangerous Are Rats In Milford?

rats in milford

Milford is one of Connecticut's oldest communities with nearly 400 years of history. With well-preserved neighborhoods, a stroll down the streets of Milford offers you a glimpse of the past. The last thing Milford residents want in their idyllic town is rats! With more than 400 years of history, the rat is more than willing to make a name for itself in Milford.

Everything Milford Residents Should Know About Rats

Even in these modern times, people are still dealing with rats; they continue to cause problems in Milford and around the world. The first step in preventing rats on your property is knowing what type of rats you are likely to deal with. In Milford, it comes down to roof rats and Norway rats.

Roof rats have soft, smooth fur that is brown with spots of black; their belly is typically gray, black, or white. They have long, thin bodies, large eyes and ears, and a pointed nose. Adult roof rats measure 7 to 10 inches, with their scaly tail being longer than the head and body together.

Norway rats have bristly fur that is brown with black hairs throughout their coat. Their belly is usually lighter with gray to off-white and sometimes yellow tones. They have small eyes and ears and a blunt nose. Adult Norway rats measure 7 to 9½ inches long, with their tail being shorter than the head and body together.

Both roof rats and Norway rats are active at night. Norway rats prefer to eat fish, cereal, meat, and even dog food; whereas, roof rats prefer fruits and vegetables. Both can burrow in yard debris and wood where covered shelter is abundant. Roof rats are high wire acrobats; this allows them easy access to the upper parts of buildings. When rats get into buildings, they nest in crawl spaces, basements, and any other undisturbed areas. Dampness is especially attractive to Norway rats; sources of this moisture can be leaky pipes and damp basements. After locating a food source, rats will come back for more over and over again.

Why You Should Be Aware Of Problems Associated With Rats

Rats spread diseases that can cause bubonic plague, jaundice, trichinosis, typhus, rat-bite fever, and the cowpox virus. They can also trigger asthma attacks and allergies. They transport parasites like ticks, fleas, and lice. Rats are also destructive; they are gnawers. This chewing damages drywall, wood, and electrical wires creating structural damage and increased risk of fires. Norway rats can even gnaw through lead pipes and plastic.

How To Keep Rats Out Of Your Milford Property

Rats can squeeze through openings the size of a quarter; therefore, property owners should watch out for weak spots around their property.

Prevention tips include:

  • Install screen vents on openings and chimneys.
  • Seal exterior cracks and holes caulk or steel wool.
  • Replace loose mortar and weather stripping around windows and foundations.
  • Install door sweeps on exterior doors.
  • Repair damaged screens.
  • Keep storage spaces well-ventilated and dry.
  • Repair excess moisture sources, like clogged drains and leaking pipes.
  • Store firewood 20 feet from the property.
  • Trim shrubs and maintain landscaping.
  • Use airtight containers to store food.
  • Use trash cans with tight lids.

As with any pest infestation, it is better to avoid rats in the first place than to try to rid your home of them after the fact.

Get Rid Of Your Rat Problem Once And For All

Rats are a problem that can not only be destructive to your home but also your health. Therefore, it is vital to get rid of any infestations as soon as possible. The pest removal specialists at Big Blue Bug Solutions can help you safely and effectively handle these destructive pests. Capitalize on our 80 years of experience by calling Big Blue Bug Solutions today for a free inspection.
