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The Dangers Of Fleas In Your Worcester Home

a jumping flea

When we think of fleas, some of us think of them as crawly critters that only bother our cats and dogs. A good scrub with a quality flea shampoo will fix the problem in no time, right? Unfortunately, that's not always the case. It can be difficult to rid our homes and our pets of bothersome fleas, and when left unchecked, fleas can cause some serious issues for you and the ones you love. Let's learn more about these tiny terrors and understand the dangers of fleas in your Worcester home.

What Exactly Are Fleas?

Fleas (Siphonaptera) are a species of flightless insects that live on warm-blooded mammals and feed on their blood for survival. Adult fleas can grow to about 3 millimeters are usually brown/black in color and have mostly flat bodies. They're able to leap over 50 times their body length and use their strong claws to hang on to the skin of their host.

Fleas are common all across the United States and are most prevalent in Worcester in the Spring and Summer months. Fleas can make their way into your home by clinging to pets, rodents, or wildlife that get in, or through small openings in your home's exterior.

Fleas may seem like somewhat innocent creatures, but their bites have the potential to cause serious issues. Aside from the common itchiness caused by fleabites, they can also transmit the dangerous diseases below:

  • Flea-borne spotted fever
  • Plague
  • Typhus
  • Cat scratch fever

While fleas may not directly cause these illnesses, they act as vectors that can carry the disease from host to host.

The saliva a flea secretes before they bite can cause an allergic reaction, leading to excessive scratching. This opens up an increased possibility of infection and other diseases. Excessive flea bites on your pet can also cause them to become anemic due to the loss of blood.

How To Spot A Potential Flea Infestation

Fleas are pint-sized little pests, so spotting them can be difficult. Even homes without pets are susceptible to fleas so being able to recognize warning signs is key in the prevention of a flea infestation. Below is a list of potential red flags for flea problems:

  • Fleas on your furniture, carpets, or draperies.
  • Excessive scratching from your pets, family, or yourself.
  • Small itchy bites with accompanying redness.

How To Prevent Fleas In Your Worcester Home

The best way to eliminate flea problems is to never have them at all. While it's always smart to contact a professional to deal with pests, there are a few things you can do to minimize the possibility of fleas.

  • Keep the grass and bushes in your yard well-trimmed.
  • Discourage rodents and wildlife from entering your yard.
  • Seal off any openings on the exterior of your home.
  • Run a flea comb through your pet's hair before they re-enter your home.
  • Use a dependable flea treatment when bathing your pet.
  • Keep your home clean and vacuum often.

How Big Blue Bug Solutions Can Help

Fleas' tiny size and natural resilience make them almost impossible to completely prevent on your own. By working with your vet and Big Blue Bug Solutions, you can keep your pet and your home free of fleas year-round. Big Blue Bug Solutions has over 80 years of experience dealing with pests in a safe and efficient manner. We use our years of knowledge and expertise to locate current and potential flea hiding spots and eliminate them using the industry's safest products.

Schedule your free inspection today or contact us with any pest-related questions.
