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How Mice Get Into Connecticut Homes

a house mouse looking for an entry point

The house mouse is one of the most common home-invading pests in the United States. This furry creature gets its name from its habit of making itself comfortable in the walls of houses. While house mice can be helpful to the environment by reducing the insect population, they are an absolute danger to your home and health. Let's learn more about these pint-sized pests and how they make their way into Connecticut homes.

What Is A House Mouse?

A house mouse (Mus musculus) is a small rodent that can grow up to 6 inches long and weigh about 0.68oz as an adult. They're covered in short hair that's light brown, gray, or black in color. House mice prefer to feed on seeds and nuts but will feed on just about anything. They like to make their homes in fields, woods, and other grassy areas that are dark and protected from the elements. Once in your home, they prefer wall voids, attics, basements, or any area that's secluded and unbothered.

Why Are House Mice Dangerous?

These tiny terrors pose several problems for any household they invade. The first and most problematic is their ability to spread harmful diseases and bacteria. Mice have been linked to several harmful diseases including the ones below:

  • Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis
  • Food poisoning
  • Hantavirus
  • Salmonellosis

Mice spread these diseases through their urine, droppings, and nesting materials. House mice are also an immediate danger to your home and appliances thanks to their habit of chewing through wood, plastic, and even electrical wires.

How Do Mice Get In My Home?

Mice have a few reasons for entering your home uninvited. One of the most common reasons is to escape our harsh Connecticut winters. Mice don't hibernate like some mammals so they look to make their way into more favorable climates during inclement weather. House mice also enter homes seeking food sources. These furious feeders eat 15-20 small meals per day so they're always on the lookout for new places to dine. Unfortunately, even a dime-sized hole in the exterior of your home is an open door for these pesky pests. Once they locate an opening, they won't hesitate to enter your home and quickly begin reproducing.

Reduce The Chances Of Mice Entering Your Home

Mice are crafty creatures. This makes keeping them out of your home difficult, without professional assistance. However, there are steps you can take to make your home less mouse-friendly. By following the steps below, you can reduce hiding places and food sources, which may convince mice to keep searching for another place to call home.


  • Keep lids on garbage cans tightly sealed.
  • Pick up any fruits or vegetables that may have fallen in your garden.
  • Keep grass and bushes cut short.
  • Store bird and pet food in sealed containers.
  • Get rid of any standing water.
  • Seal cracks in your home's exterior.


  • Clean up spilled food on counters and floors, etc.
  • Keep areas clear of food overnight.
  • Keep food packages tightly sealed.
  • Clear out the clutter in storage areas.

How Big Blue Bug Solutions Can Help

House mice are small, resilient, and resourceful creatures. This means that store-bought mouse traps and chemicals won't likely be enough to handle an entire infestation. The professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions have over 80 years of experience in preventing and eliminating rodent problems safely and efficiently. We can quickly identify current or potential hiding spots and treat them with the industry's safest and most trusted solutions.

Schedule your free inspection now or contact us with any rodent-related questions. We can get you on the road to having a rodent-free home!
