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How Dangerous Are Spiders In My Portland Home?

house spider on a tile

When it comes to pest management in gardens and other areas around property perimeters, spiders in South Portland, Maine are extremely beneficial.

Spiders only become a problem pest when they begin to make their way towards the exterior and interior of our homes. While they prefer the outdoors, a spider’s instinct is to follow their food source wherever it goes.

A growing spider population in and around your home is an indication of a larger residential pest problem. If you have been noticing an increasing spider presence, it is time to look into pest control options for your Southern Portland home.

South Portland Spider Identification

Many of us are more than familiar with a fear of spiders. Luckily, only a handful of spider species are capable of inflicting harm on humans.

The most common spiders in Southern Portland are house spiders and the yellow sac spider. While the infamous black widow is not native to the area, there are still occasional sightings from time to time.

It is important to brush up on spider identification in the event that you do have an encounter with one of the more dangerous spider species.

  • The house spider is a common cobweb spider. Their large, round abdomens are typically light brown, and they are generally ¼ inch in length.
  • The yellow sac spider is pale yellow and roughly 3/8 of an inch in length. With their leg span included, they tend to be about an inch long. These arachnids often go unnoticed because the silken sacs they build tend to blend in with light-colored walls and ceilings.
  • The black widow spider has a large, round abdomen that is black and shiny, about ½ inch in length, with a red hourglass shape.

Even if you are lucky enough to be one of the few without a fear of spiders, that doesn’t mean you should overlook the spider treatment services that are available for your Southern Portland home.

What To Expect From A Spider Bite

All species of spiders possess venom and fangs. This makes spiders sound much more threatening than they truly are as a whole.

Most spider bites will go completely unnoticed. There are only a few spiders native to the area that are capable of causing some form of a reaction. The most common reaction is a small welt that is red and itchy.

While medically dangerous spider species aren’t native to the Southern Portland area, there is still the slim possibility that they can find their way into your home.

A yellow sac spider bite usually causes a painful burning sensation. The bite site will begin to swell with an intense itch. This can last an hour or more, and it may lead to a blistering rash. In extreme cases, a yellow sac spider bite can cause fever, malaise, muscle cramps, and nausea.

Reactions to the pinprick of a black widow bite can vary depending on where the bite occurs, how much venom is injected, and how sensitive the person is to their venom. Their bite can cause a dull muscle pain throughout the body within the first hour. The bite site may swell, turn red, and form a target-shaped lesion.

Black widows deliver the most toxic spider venom in the U.S. Don’t wait for a problem to bite you in the back. Protect your Southern Portland home from unwanted spiders before they have a chance to find their way into your home.

Spider Prevention

Spiders chase their prey wherever they may lead them. If you have plenty of spiders, you also have plenty of other pests roaming around your home.

Some of the insects spiders consume are flies, moths, earwigs, mosquitoes, and cockroaches. These pests can indicate a moisture issue in and around your property. To prevent spiders, you must address their pest prey.

  • Examine and seal any leaks under kitchen and bathroom sinks.
  • Shade can contribute to dampness around your home. Trim trees, bushes, and shrubs to allow more sunlight and less moisture.
  • Create space between vegetation to promote good airflow, a dry environment, and less hiding places for insects.
  • Clean gutters regularly to avoid over saturation of the perimeter of your home and its foundation. 
  • Woodpiles often house insects, spiders, and pest eggs. Safely store your firewood away from the exterior of your home.
  • Carefully inspect the exterior of your home to repair gaps, cracks, and openings around vents or other entry points pests may be inclined to use.
  • Install or repair window and door screens, weather stripping, and door sweeps.
  • Many insects are drawn to light. Replace exterior lights with yellow lighting which is less attractive to insects.
  • Keep exterior and interior trash cans covered. Empty them on a regular basis and periodically rinse them out to reduce smells.
  • Sweep away cobwebs from the interior and exterior of your home.

The best way to guarantee a spider-free home is with the help of a professional pest control service.

Spider Control Assistance

When it comes to spiders, it is always better to be safe than sorry. The professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions are prepared to advise and assist you with all of your spider control needs.

As a family-owned and operated pest control company, Big Blue Bug Solutions has been helping residents feel safe in their home for more than 80 years. We deliver a reliable and trustworthy experience that you can count on.

Big Blue Bug Solutions offers a variety of residential pest control services. Our Home Owner’s Policy program guarantees three treatments a year for the most common pests. If a pest problem arises in between services, we will come out and resolve your issues free of charge.

Contact us today to schedule a free inspection with one of our licensed pest control professionals!
