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How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Connecticut Home

A spider coming out of a web

It may not come as a shock that most folks aren’t thrilled to see an eight-legged pest crawling across their floor, so learning how to keep spiders out of your Connecticut home can be helpful. Even though New England is known for harsh winters, it doesn’t deter spiders. Big Blue Bug Solutions and our experienced associates can prevent homeowners from worrying about these arachnids.

North America is home to tens of thousands of types of spiders, but only several hundred species are found in Connecticut, and only about a handful can be seen on a typical day.

Poisonous Spiders: Two spiders in Connecticut fit this description; they can both inflict painful bites:

  • Black Widow: The northern black widow is predominantly found in this area. Females are responsible for venomous bites and are larger than brownish-gray colored males. The northern black widow female, while still black, has brightly-colored designs on its belly that appear to be segmented or incomplete, not the distinct hourglass-like its southern counterpart has. 
  • Brown Recluse: While not native to Connecticut, these spiders can travel here in cargo. The brown recluse is a small, brown spider that exhibits a fiddle design on the rounded part of its body. 

Harmless Spiders: These spiders are mainly considered nuisance pests that most folks would prefer not to see inside their homes. While venomous, their venom typically has little to no effect on humans:

  • Cellar Spider: Often called the “daddy longlegs spider,” this long-legged fellow can be found sporting his earth-toned coloring in dark, damp places throughout the property like basements and cellars.
  • House Spider: This brown spider is usually the culprit behind all of those annoying cobwebs found throughout the home, garage, and outbuildings. 
  • Jumping Spider: This hairy spider possesses a great talent for jumping and catches its prey using this natural ability. These guys can be found in black, brown, and gray with white, blue, gray, red, yellow, or green markings.
  • Wolf Spider: Another hairy spider, the brown-colored wolf spider, is larger than jumpers, and because of the rapid speed it moves, it can give people the creeps.

Preventing Spiders In New England By Deterring Their Prey 

The trick to keeping spiders out of your Connecticut home is to focus on small ways that deter these pests. Such as:

  • Attack Trash. Frequently empty garbage into an outside bin with a cover that closes tightly.
  • Clear Clutter: Junk mail, paper bags, cardboard, and other clutter can become fodder for pests and, in turn, attract spiders. Set aside a time each month to sift through and remove much of these excess materials.
  • Handle Moisture: Any overly moist house is at risk for pests. Repair leaks and drips throughout the property, and if there is a particularly damp area, consider installing a dehumidifier.
  • Keep Food Out Of Reach: Store food products in canisters made of metal or glass. Make sure these containers having tightly sealing lids. Don’t let food sit out for longer than necessary.  
  • Tackle Chores: Maintain a clean and tidy home. Remove cobwebs as soon as they appear. Wipe away crumbs and sanitize countertops. Sweep, mop, vacuum, dust, and disinfect surface areas.  

Even More Spider Prevention Tips

Continue the trend by applying even more practical methods to keep spiders out of the house:

  • Use Deterrents: Door sweeps and window screens can be helpful, but only if they are free of defects and installed correctly. 
  • Seal Up Entry Points: Inspect the exterior for any potential entrances spiders could use: cracks, gaps, and holes. Caulk up those spaces. 
  • Store Wood Properly: Stow onsite firewood a minimum of 20 feet away from any structures. 

A Complete Spider Solution

There’s no need to wonder how to keep spiders out of your Connecticut home with Big Blue Bug Solutions! We offer a residential pest control program that can eradicate pesky spiders. Contact our helpful associates for sound advice or professional assistance in handling spiders.
