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How To Get Rid Of Overwintering Pests In Your Southern Maine Home

hundreds of stink bugs on a log

Winter in Southern Maine can be harsh and unpredictable, to say the least. As homeowners ready their homes and properties for the longest season of the year, they often forget that other creatures are also preparing themselves for winter. What better place for insects to have a safe and secure shelter for the winter but within the walls of your home?

As the seasons change, you may begin to notice more critters scurrying about in your home. An occasional ladybug or house fly may seem like no big deal, but the truth is these pests can quickly invade your home if you aren’t careful.

Some of the most common overwintering pests aggressively invade your homes when you aren’t paying attention. These pests include:

  • Stink Bugs: Stink bugs have a shield-shaped body, do not bite or cause damage to your home, and are known for the unpleasant odor they exude when threatened.  Because of the odor they release, it makes it difficult to rid your home of stink bugs if you find yourself with an infestation.
  • Flies: House flies grow up to ¼ inch long and have bulbous eyes and spongy mouthparts to suck up liquids. House flies seem to be nothing more than a nuisance to have around, but the truth is that house flies carry over thirty diseases that they spread when they land on your food prep area.
  • Centipedes: Centipedes can grow up to four inches in length and can have up to 350 legs! These home invaders are known for their bite, which can be extremely painful, however, not overly dangerous.
  • Silverfish: Silverfish are between ½ inch and 1 inch long. They are aptly named for how they resemble a fish. They do not bite or sting; however, they can create considerable damage to whatever they choose to nest in.
  • Ladybugs: Ladybugs may not have a bad reputation, and in some cultures, are considered to be a sign of good luck. However, a large infestation of these seemingly harmless insects can cause minimal damage to your home. Ladybugs release a little bit of yellow blood when they feel threatened, and this blood can stain the carpets and upholstery in your home.
  • Earwigs: Earwigs are reddish-brown, have long, narrow bodies, and have pinchers located at the tip of their abdomen. They do not bite, but their pinch can be pretty painful. Mostly they are considered to be a nuisance pest to homeowners.

How Dangerous Is It To Live With Overwintering Pests In Your Southern Maine Home?

While some of these overwintering pests will create a potential health issue or damage to your home, most are merely a nuisance to have around. If you suspect an infestation of any kind, it is imperative to investigate what pest species has taken up residence in your home to know what you are dealing with.

In some cases, homeowners may decide to leave an infestation of ladybugs alone, allowing them to spend the winter indoors until it’s time to migrate back outside in the spring. In other cases, if you suspect an infestation of centipedes, you may decide to seek assistance to exterminate them due to their aggressive nature.

The Best Solution To Rid Your Southern Maine Home Of Unwanted Overwintering Guests

The best, fastest, and most efficient way to rid your home of these pests is to call Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our residential pest control experts can quickly assess your home and determine the best course of action to evict your unwanted house guests.

Five Tips To Prevent Overwintering Pests In Your Southern Maine Home

  1. Seal up cracks and gaps at the exterior of your home.
  2. Address moisture issues inside and outside your home.
  3. Keep your yard clear of debris and clutter.
  4. Replace torn or worn window and door screens.
  5. Install weather stripping on doors and windows to ensure a tight seal.