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Southern Maine's Handy Tick Bite Field Guide

a tick on a leaf about to jump on a hiker

When you go for a walk, do you walk on sidewalks or through the woods? When you go camping, do you sleep in an RV or in a tent? If you had the choice to stay inside or go out into nature, what would you pick?

These are all relevant questions if you are considering your chances of being bitten by a tick. This is why we are here today. We want you to know when you are at risk of a tick bite and how to best avoid and deal with these potentially dangerous arachnids. Let’s start by where you are most likely to find a tick here in Southern Maine.

Where Are Ticks Found?

Ticks thrive in secluded areas such as bushes, tall grass, and thick undergrowth. They prefer these areas for two reasons. The first reason is that it helps shelter them from the heat of the sun. Although it doesn’t get extremely hot here in southern Maine, it does get warm enough to make these pests uncomfortable during the mid-summer months.

When Are Ticks Most Active?

Ticks are one of the few insects that do not care how cold it is outside. They will, however, slow down, the colder it gets, and enter into a hibernation-like state. Ticks are most active here in Southern Maine between the months of May and August but can bite at any time as long as conditions allow them to move.

How Dangerous Are Ticks?

Getting bitten by a tick is a lot like playing Russian roulette.  Ninety-nine times out of 100, there is nothing to worry about. It is only that hundredth bite that poses a serious risk to human health. More specifically, certain species of ticks are capable of carrying diseases. If you are bitten by an infected tick you could run the risk of contracting Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and a list of other serious ailments.

What To Do If A Tick Bites You

If you are bitten by a tick, the most important thing you should know is how to pull it out without breaking off its head. To do this, use a pair of tweezers or a tick-removal tool and pinch firmly around the tick as close to your skin as possible. When pulling, do not twist or jerk but pull straight away from your skin.

Lyme disease is the worst disease people contract from ticks. One thing that makes it so bad is how hard it is to identify with people. One way to make it easier to identify is by having access to the tick that bit you. We recommend storing ticks that bite you inside plastic bags in your freezer. If no symptoms present themselves within a few months, feel free to throw them away.

How To Avoid Ticks & The Benefits Of Professional Tick Control

Avoid ticks around your property by reducing undergrowth, trimming your grass regularly, and eliminating shade around bushes and other shrubbery. When off your property in potentially tick-infested areas, tuck your pant legs into your socks and avoid tall grass and thick undergrowth. Another clever tip is to wrap duct tape around your legs with the sticky side out. This will catch ticks as they climb your legs looking for a good place to bite further up.

For more help with tick problems, trust the experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our team has the advanced tools and equipment needed to treat your property for ticks and other common local pests. Call us today to discuss your pest control options and select one that best fits your Southern Maine property's needs. We also offer quality commercial pest management services.
