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How Dangerous Are The Wasps In Connecticut?

wasp on a nest

What is your immediate reaction to seeing a wasp flying close by? Does your heart jump, causing your body to do the same? Are you unaffected, and continue to do whatever you were doing? Most people fall under one of these two categories. The question is, what sets these two types of people apart? We think it has something to do with knowledge. To help you better understand the danger wasps pose to residents in Connecticut, here are a few things to consider.

What Wasps Live In Connecticut?

Several species of wasps live here in Connecticut. Some of the most common are paper wasps, hornets, potter wasps, and mason wasps. What sets these pests apart is mainly their size and color. Learning how to identify each wasp species is a great first step to understanding these invasive and painful pests.

The Dangers Wasps Pose

All wasps are venomous and pose a risk to human health. The threat these pests pose to you depends on a few key factors. 

The first is the number of times you are stung. One sting from a wasp is painful but is not life-threatening for most individuals. Ten stings are much more painful but still not life-threatening for most. It is only after several dozen stings that the average person is put at risk of serious harm. 

The second factor has to do with allergies. Some people are allergic to insect venom. If this is the case for you, it may only take one sting to put you at serious risk. To find out if you are allergic to wasps, talk with your doctor and have them perform the necessary tests.

Other factors that increase the risk of serious injury include age, medical conditions, and the type of wasp you are stung by. Some species of wasps are more likely to sting and become aggressive if they feel their colony or queen is being threatened.

Why Wasps Build Nests On Properties

Wasps live on a diet consisting of sweet substances and small animals such as insects, arachnids, and arthropods. If your property has these wasp delicacies, these pests will be more likely to build a nest nearby. When looking for areas to build, these stinging pests look in sheltered areas such as beneath roof eaves, inside trees, and sometimes within holes in the ground.

How To Deter Wasps

If your property is currently attracting wasps, you should be actively working to stop it from doing so. To deter these pests, here are a few great prevention tips our experts recommend you put in place.

Fill in holes around your property.

  • Deter wildlife that digs holes such as groundhogs, voles, and moles.
  • Regularly check beneath the eaves of your home and trees around your property for newly forming nests.
  • Knockdown newly formed nests that are smaller than a golf ball, using a long broom. (be careful to make sure no wasps are nearby before you do this.)
  • Treat trees around your property for aphids.
  • Seal gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior to keep wasps outside.
  • Keep unscreened doors and windows closed as much as possible.

What To Do About A Wasp Nest On Your Property

It is difficult to prevent wasps. It is even more difficult to eliminate them once they have established a mature nest. If you have noticed an increase in wasp activity on your Connecticut property and suspect a nest is nearby, let the professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions come out and have a look. Our team knows how to identify nests and has the tools and experience needed to quickly remove these nests from your yard and home.

Call today for a quote and schedule your Connecticut property for a service visit.
