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Why Are There So Many Spiders In My Portland Home?


There are dozens of unique spider species living in Maine, from fishing spiders to orb-weavers to jumping spiders. This might not necessarily be exciting news if you’ve got arachnophobia, but luckily, although many of the Pine Tree State’s indigenous spiders are creepy to look at, none pose a serious threat to your health and safety. But just because they aren’t deadly doesn’t mean you want a bunch of spiders living in your house. If you’ve been stressed about spiders in your Portland home, here’s what you need to know.

There are a few common spider species that you’re likely to find in your Portland home:

House spider: These spiders are known for building and abandoning multiple webs throughout their lives, leaving a mess in your basement or shed. They typically measure between 3/16 and 5/16 inches in size and can be recognized by banded stripes on their legs.

Cellar spider: Also known as “daddy long legs,” these spiders have especially elongated limbs in proportion to their small bodies. They can reach sizes of two to three inches in diameter including their legs and are usually pale yellow or brown.

Wolf spider: Hairy hunters with sharp fangs, these spiders live to their name. Wolf spiders hunt prey on foot rather than trapping victims in a web. They can deliver a painful bite if confronted but are only dangerous to those who are allergic to their venom.

Although dangerous black widow and brown recluse spiders have been identified in Maine, it’s most likely that these specimens were transported from other parts of the country and are not indigenous to the area.

Why Spiders Come Into Your Home

Just like other pests, spiders inhabit your home because they can find reliable food, water, and shelter. If there is a significant population of other pests on your property, it’s probably the biggest factor in attracting spiders, but moisture and humidity are also attractive to our eight-legged friends.

Areas of high moisture like basements and bathrooms are popular places for spiders to hide. Excess moisture and humidity are also attractive to the pest insects that spiders prey on. If your home is inviting for other bugs, it’s probably inviting for spiders, too.

Tips For Preventing Spiders

In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to prevent spiders from infesting your Portland home:

  • Eliminate prey insects. Simply shutting off your outdoor lights at night can have an impact on the presence of prey insects around your property. Around the house, make sure to clean up any food scraps or spills and dispose of trash regularly to ward off bugs that spiders feed on.
  • Reduce moisture. Consider installing a dehumidifier in your basement to make it less habitable for spiders and other pests. Clear blocked drains and gutters and fix any leaking pipes or faucets.
  • Remove webs. Although not a complete solution, vacuuming up abandoned webs can reduce the population of spiders in your home. Some species are known to take over the leftover webs from other spiders, and having unoccupied webs around may be attractive to spiders in need of free real estate.

How To Get Rid Of Spiders

Eliminating spiders can be difficult on your own. Even if you destroy their webs, spiders could still be hiding out in hard-to-reach areas that you can’t see. That’s why you should use the professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions. We’ve been treating New England homes for spiders and other pests for more than 80 years. We are committed to providing our customers with the best service possible, and with our residential pest control plans, we can get rid of your spiders and the insects they prey on.

If you want to get rid of the spiders in your Portland home once and for all, contact us today for your free inspection.