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Professional Mosquito Control Is The Way To Go For Your Connecticut Property

mosquito biting a human arm

Imagine the stage of your upcoming Connecticut summer: warm, fun, and relaxing. However, if you plan to spend any time outside having fun in the sun, you will certainly not be alone. If you hear a thin, whiny buzz, feel a light touch on your skin, and experience the rising agony of a histamine reaction, you will likely be facing off against the state’s least popular and most prevalent backyard invader.

 Mosquitoes are a type of Connecticut pest that is not just annoying, but dangerous too. These long-legged insects require blood meals to lay fertilized eggs, which may be deposited in sources as small as a bottle cap. The insect larvae will continue to grow in water for several days before maturing into their adult forms. Now prepared with wings and an appetite for human blood, these insects will swarm the cool spaces and shady groves of your lovely lawn.

When mosquito infestations grow too big to ignore, Connecticut homeowners often attempt to reduce mosquito populations using a combination of prevention steps: home DIY (do it yourself), and internet hearsay. Some of these prevention measures are very good and can help protect homes in a big way. Other methods may be a huge waste of time and money. In fact, there are even internet tips that make mosquito populations worse! Let’s explore the good, bad, and ugly forms of pest control below.

Effective And Non-Effective Measures Of Connecticut Mosquito Control

Mosquito prevention tips are about as varied as they come, with some tips being effective, some doing nothing, and others working counterintuitively from your original goal. Here are a few prevention steps that may effectively reduce your summer mosquito populations:

  •  Removing standing water sources such as birdbaths, fountains, and puddling water inside toys and tarps. 
  • Trimming hedges that may be growing out of control. This also includes pruning shrubs, cutting back trees, and mowing long grass. Wearing long clothing while in mosquito-infested areas. Tuck your pant legs into your socks for optimum protection.

For every mosquito prevention method that works, there are twice as many ways that are half as effective. Here are a few of the most prevalent of them below:

  • The use of citronella or citronella-like candles 
  • Tikki torches and oil-based mosquito repellants 
  • Some over-the-counter sprays and baits

Far worse, there are mosquito control methods that are downright dangerous. These include:

  • Misapplying or mis-combining various over-the-counter sprays 
  • Using vinegar sprays or essential oils 
  • Relying on prevention steps to eliminate established infestations

If mosquito vectors are flying too close to your Connecticut home for comfort, now is the time for action. Book a home mosquito inspection with Big Blue Bug Solutions to get a no-obligation evaluation today.

Why Big Blue Bug Solutions’ Mosquito Control Program Works For You

At Big Blue Bug Solutions, our premier mosquito control program is a top-rated solution for Connecticut pest infestations and beyond. This program is fast, efficient, and safe for all family members, quickly providing the means to eliminate mosquitoes without anxiety or stress. Working with Big Blue Bug Solutions will always produce outcomes that are more effective than DIY steps applied on your own.

For more information about our mosquito abatement programs, or to book an abatement visit with one of our helpful inspectors, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions right away. With more than 80 years of mosquito control experience under our belts, there’s nothing we can’t do to help your Connecticut home.

Let our crew help you with a call, click, or branch visit today!
