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Portland's Complete Guide To Powderpost Beetle Control

powderpost beetle damage to a wooden structure

If you are like most people, you are probably wondering right now, what is a powderpost beetle? Most likely, you have also found damage to the wood of your home and searched for an answer as to what caused it. This search probably led you to termites, carpenter ants, or powderpost beetles as potential culprits of your home’s destruction. We are here today to help you find out which of these pests are causing your home’s damages and to inform you on what you should do if the answer turns out to be powderpost beetles. If powderpost beetles have not already invaded your home, we also have some simple prevention tips for you to use to keep these destructive pests from invading.

What Are Powderpost Beetles?

Powderpost beetles are ⅛ to ¼ inch long reddish-brown to black pests known for laying their eggs in the cracks of wood. These eggs eventually hatch into grub-like larvae. Once hatched, larvae will begin to consume the wood around them creating meandering tunnels. These tunnels are the main source of damage these pests cause to homes. As powderpost beetles lay more and more eggs, problems from these pests grow exponentially. In America, the damage done by powderpost beetles is only overshadowed by termites, the number one home-destroying pests around the world.

What Types Of Wood Do Powderpost Beetles Infest?

Unlike termites, powderpost beetles do not require softwood to satisfy their needs. Although they prefer wood affected by water damage, rot, or decay, powderpost beetles are capable of chewing through hardwood as well.

 Inside homes, powderpost beetles chew through and lay their eggs in flooring, walls, paneling, and even wooden furniture.

How To Tell Powderpost Beetles From Other Pests

The way powderpost beetles damage homes is much different than that of their competitors, termites, and carpenter ants. Where the entry holes for termites are tiny, powderpost beetle holes often look like a holes left by a nail. Don’t be deceived though. These holes are only what you can see on the surface. Much more damage is happening deep within the wood itself. As infestations become severe, damage to wood will become more visible and you will start to see galleyways running through it. These alleyways will look more jagged and broken than the galleys made by carpenter ants. Carpenter ants are digging to build a nest while powderpost beetles are eating the wood.

Prevention Tips For Powderpost Beetles

Fortunately, there are several things for you to do to keep powderpost beetles from entering and causing damage around your home. Here are a few of the best prevention tips our experts recommend.

  • Paint or stain untreated wood around your home. This will deter powderpost beetles from laying their eggs.
  • Avoid using reclaimed wood to repair or build your home. If you have no other option, make sure to paint or treat it before using it to build with.
  • Fix leaky pipes and fixtures in and around your home.
  • Make sure your gutters are in good working order and able to properly channel water away from your home’s exterior.
  • Use a dehumidifier inside to reduce moisture levels.
  • Repair or replace damaged wood around your home that has been subject to water, rot, or decay.

The Best Way To Handle A Powderpost Beetle Infestation

If you suspect your home has an active powderpost beetle infestation, there is only one thing for you to do, and that is to get the professionals involved. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we know what it takes to properly eliminate powderpost beetles from homes. We also have long-term solutions designed to keep wood-destroying pests in general from causing damage around your property.

 Reach out to us today to find a solution that best suits your Portland home and property.
