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Here's Why Hornets In Connecticut Are So Dangerous

hornet landing on a table up close

Being stung hurts, a lot. For this reason, many people choose to avoid stinging insects at all costs. If a bee is hovering over a bush, they will walk around the bush. If a paper wasp is on the backside of a glass door in their home, they will leave through another exit. If a hornet is buzzing across a path, they will wait and keep their distance until it flies away. Why do they do this? Because they know how dangerous stinging insects can be. Today we will be talking about one stinging insect in particular who is a bit more dangerous than most. Here is everything you need to know about hornets.

What Are Hornets?

Hornets are the largest species of eusocial wasp that live here in Connecticut. How big are they? Some species are capable of growing to be upwards of two and a half inches in length. Fortunately, despite their large size, the only prey hornets hunt are other insects. We can identify hornets by their light orange head and orange and brown/black striped bodies.

Where Do Hornet Nest?

Hornets construct large nests that are primarily made of saliva and chewed up wood fibers. These nests are typically found on the sides of buildings, on the branches of trees, and large outdoor tree-like shrubs.

What Makes Hornets So Dangerous?

Different stinging pests have different potencies of venom. Hornets just happen to have one of the most potent venoms out of any wasps species here in America. This means a sting from one of these pests will hurt more, and cause more damage than a sting from a bee, or a paper wasp. In addition to having potent venom, hornets are also capable of stinging multiple times in a row. If an adult is stung more than forty times, or a child more than twenty times by any stinging insect, the results can be fatal. This changes if the individual is allergic to insect venom as then it can take just one sting, rather than a several. If you are unsure if you are allergic or not, consult with your doctor. They can perform the needed tests to assess your risk.

Prevention Tips For Hornets

Is your property a hot spot for stinging insect nests? We can help you change that. Here are a few prevention tips for you to use to keep hornets and other stinging insects from settling down on your property.

  • Keep your yard clear of clutter and debris.
  • When eating or drinking outdoors do your best to keep food and beverages covered as much as possible.
  • After outdoor gatherings, clean up thoroughly making sure there are no scraps of food or spilled drinks left out for stinging insects to find.
  • Clean up fruit that has dropped from trees in your yard.
  • Keep your grass well-trimmed and your trees and shrubs well maintained.
  • Avoid feeding your pets outdoors.
  • If you don’t mind living without flowers, consider having them removed from your property.

The Best Way To Prevent and Deal With Hornets

Whether you are looking for a way to remove hornets from your property, or for a long-lasting solution to keep hornets at bay, we have an answer for you here at Big Blue Bug Solutions. Before you try to deal with hornets on your own, consider the risk you are putting upon yourself. Here at Big Blue Bug Solutions, we have the safety equipment and experience necessary to safely eliminate stinging insects from your property. We also have the treatments needed to keep hornets and the other insects they hunt for off of your property for good.

Contact us today to learn more about how we treat for hornets, or to schedule a pest inspection for your Connecticut home and property.
