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What You Should Know About Yellow Jackets In Connecticut

a yellow jacket on a leaf

During the summer and fall months, stinging, flying insects such as bees and yellow jackets can make spending time outdoors stressful. While bees and wasps are good for the environment as they are pollinators, they also pose health and safety risks for humans. Yellow jackets are one of the most common types of wasp species in Connecticut. They can be terrifying to find in your yard, especially if you notice a nest since they are aggressive and hard to remove. 

Yellow jackets are a species of wasp. If you know what to look for, identifying yellow jackets is not too difficult. Here are the identifying characteristics of these insects:

  1. They have sleek, furless bodies unlike bees and some wasp species.
  2. They are black with yellow stripes.
  3. Their faces are mostly yellow, and they have six, thin legs. 
  4. They are extremely thin with a streamlined appearance.
  5. They have a tiny “waist” that connects their thorax to their abdomen.

Are Yellow Jackets Really That Dangerous?

No one wants to be stung by a yellow jacket or any other stinging insect, and yellow jackets are actually considered to be more dangerous than most other local wasps. This is because they are one of the more aggressive species. While not all species of wasps will go after you, and will mostly only do so to protect their nests, yellow jackets are more likely to do so and tend to be territorial.

The other reason why yellow jackets are especially dangerous is that they can sting and inject their venom multiple times and they will also signal for others in the nest to help them. This means that victims can end up being stung many times by multiple yellow jackets at once.

Because of these reasons, even people who aren’t allergic to yellow jacket venom can end up in the hospital if attacked. Plus, many people don’t even realize they are allergic until they've been stung.

How To Make Your Yard Less Attractive To Yellow Jackets

While it can be difficult to ensure you’ll never have yellow jackets around your Connecticut property, you can take steps to deter them. You can make your yard a less appealing place for them to nest, and in doing so, greatly reduce your risk of a yellow jacket problem. Here are some simple yellow jacket prevention tips centered around making your lawn less attractive for nesting:

  1. Yellow jackets often look for places with a water source so get rid of any standing water.
  2. Make sure that any water features, like pools or fountains, are treated with the right chemicals.
  3. Clean up any food spills when eating outside as yellow jackets are attracted to sweet-smelling foods and drinks.
  4. Keep pet food stored inside.
  5. Make sure that outdoor garbage cans are cleaned regularly and have tight-fitted lids.

The Safest, Easiest Way To Get Rid Of Yellow Jackets

If you’ve noticed yellow jacket activity around your Connecticut property, especially if you’ve seen a nest, the best thing to do is to contact the experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions. Getting rid of a nest on your own is dangerous. You’re likely to be stung, even if you think a nest is inactive. Our trained technicians can remove nests safely and also provide ongoing yellow jacket protection. To find out more about our services, or to book your free inspection, give us a call today. 
