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The Secret To Effective Flea & Tick Control Around Your Portland Property

a flea biting human skin

Fleas and ticks are two distinct pests that you might not associate with one another. However, while they do have many differences, they also share similarities in the way that they infest properties.

Both ticks and fleas are blood-sucking pests that look to get a meal from animals or humans. While fleas are most likely to become a problem for households with pets, even those who don’t have pets can get fleas. The key difference is that while fleas do bite humans they don’t hitch a ride on them. Ticks can and do latch onto both animals and humans.

They are also similar because of the diseases and other health concerns that they cause. However, since they do look very different, we’ve provided a brief guide to help you tell them apart:

  1. Fleas: They are extremely small and a reddish-brown color. They often just look like small red or brown dots on fur or carpets.
  2. Ticks: They can range in color from yellow to black, and they are small but easier to see than fleas. They have oval-shaped bodies and their heads are tiny in proportion.

What Problems Do Fleas And Ticks Create?

Flea and tick problems start in slightly different ways. For fleas, they usually enter your Portland property on pets or wildlife, but they can also come inside by catching a ride on second-hand clothing and furniture. Ticks, on the other hand, can hitch a ride on your pets, wild animals, or even on you as they wait for a host to pass by and then embed into the hosts’ skin.

There are many problems associated with ticks and fleas, but the main issue is safety. Both ticks and fleas can leave behind marks that are swollen or itchy, but these bites can also lead to other health problems such as:

  1. Allergic reactions or asthma attacks
  2. Tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  3. Anemia from large flea infestations
  4. Tapeworms and other parasites that are spread by fleas.

Your pets can also get diseases and other health problems from ticks and fleas.

Tips For Flea And Tick Prevention

Since both of these pests can cause health problems, taking steps to prevent them is important and can help protect you and others in your household. Of course, no prevention steps can completely guarantee you'll never have ticks or fleas, but they can reduce the risk.

Here are the best ways to deter these blood-eating pests:

  1. Work with your vet to use tick and flea collars and medications.
  2. Keep your yard free of excess debris and clutter.
  3. Trim shrubs, bushes, and trees often.
  4. Deter wildlife by installing fences and keeping bird feeders out of reach.
  5. Further, prevent wildlife by storing pet food indoors.
  6. When hiking or outdoors, wear long pants tucked into your socks and stay on trails.
  7. Mow your lawn regularly and throw away leaves and grass piles. 
  8. Vacuum and declutter your home often.
  9. Check secondhand clothing and furniture for flea infestations.

How To Protect Your Property From Fleas And Ticks

Since both fleas and ticks are dangerous as they can spread illnesses to humans and pets, the best way to prevent these species is to get help from your veterinarian and from the pest control professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions. We have more than 80 years of experience, and we offer prevention services as well as removal options for these nasty insects. Get started by requesting a free inspection.
