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Ten Easy Fly-Prevention Tips For Connecticut Homeowners

a house fly on a wooden table

If you’re a Connecticut homeowner, it probably comes as no shock to you that flies can be a problem. Flies are some of the most common household pests, and they come in many different varieties. However, while each species of fly looks and behaves slightly differently, they can all be dangerous because of their ability to spread disease-causing pathogens.

Flies are common during the summer months, but they can also be a concern in the late fall. Because they eat and live on rotting, decaying, or dying things, they can pick up pathogens and then spread them to your home. Flies can carry about 100 different known pathogens including some that can transmit serious illnesses such as typhoid.

Common flies in the area include house flies, fruit flies, and blowflies, and while they each look different, they all share the following characteristics:

  • They are usually grey or black in color.
  • They have translucent wings.
  • They have two large, protruding eyes. 
  • They have six thin legs.

Tips On Keeping Flies Out

Because flies tend to land on food and food-preparation surfaces, keeping them out of your home is important. The best way to address flies is to prevent them from getting into your home. But it is also important to not attract flies to your property in the first place. By following a few easy steps you can help keep flies out of your home:

  1. Repair or replace broken screens in doors or windows. Many hardware stores sell screen-patching kits.
  2. Repair holes or cracks in walls or your foundation. If you cannot have these properly repaired, a caulking gun is a helpful tool in making temporary repairs. 
  3. Close doors immediately anytime you leave or return to your home. It only takes a moment for flies to zip right into your home.
  4. Take out your indoor trash often and make sure to keep your trash can clean.
  5. Wipe up any food or drink spills right away. These are attractive to many pests, including flies.
  6. Clean up pet waste. Flies love landing on animal feces and then landing on other surfaces, including the sandwich you are eating out on your porch.
  7. Keep outdoor garbage cans secured with lids and clean the cans often. Flies consume and lay eggs on rotting materials.
  8. Clean up yard debris especially things like rotting fruit or decaying plant matter.
  9. Store pet food indoors. This is an attractant for many pests.
  10. Avoid eating outdoors as the scent of sweet-smelling food, especially sodas and syrups, can attract flies.

While following all of the above steps can greatly reduce your risk of a fly infestation, the most effective way to prevent and eliminate flies is to seek help from professionals.

Get Help With Flies From The Experts

Because of the diseases that flies carry and spread, you’ll want to do everything you can to keep them out of your home. The best way to prevent flies from becoming a problem or to get rid of a fly infestation is to contact the experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions. Flies are common pests that technicians deal with. We can handle any kind of fly problem. We even provide free inspections, all you have to do is give us a call to get started.
