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A Complete Silverfish Prevention Guide For Southern Maine Property Owners

a silverfish on a bathroom wall

Silverfish are extremely common pests in New England and are responsible for plenty of headaches for local property owners. Our coastal climate and moist air allow these alien-looking creatures to thrive on our properties, so it pays to know how to spot them and prevent the factors that attract them.

What Are Silverfish?

Silverfish are, despite their name, actually insects. They perhaps were named because of the fact that they prefer wet environments and they move in a fish-like swimming motion when viewed from above. They don’t actually swim, however, they use their many legs to move their flat, shelled bodies around. You can identify silverfish by knowing the following traits:

  • Size: Silverfish aren’t large pests, though they can give many other common insects a run for their money in terms of size. They typically only grow to a couple of centimeters in length, though their long antennae and shells make them look much larger.
  • Color: As their name suggests, they are often silver or gray in color. They can also be tan, brown, or even clear.
  • Shape: From the top, silverfish are shaped like a teardrop. From the side, they look flat, an indication of just how easily they can squeeze into tight spaces and crawl through small cracks.

What’s The Harm In A Few Little Bugs?

While silverfish aren’t harmful pests -- they don’t bite people and they aren’t known to spread any diseases -- they are certainly not welcome on your property. Here are just some of the problems that silverfish can present:

  • Contamination: Silverfish are a dual-threat in that they forage for food traces just like other pests, but they also seek out and damage property in order to satisfy their ravenous hunger.
  • Damage: In addition to the food they find around your property, silverfish eat fibrous linens and fur items, meaning they can chew holes into some valuable fabrics and leathers.
  • Proliferation: Like most insects, silverfish spawn whole generations of offspring very quickly. That’s why a small invasion can quickly become a full-on infestation. Inaction or improper handling of the problem only worsens these factors.

What Attracts Silverfish?

Like many kinds of pests, silverfish are driven to invade human properties in search of food, shelter, and easy nesting grounds. Knowing what attracts silverfish inside can help you stay up on proper prevention measures:

  • Food: Again, silverfish are foraging pests, meaning they will detect traces of food or drink left behind -- especially in hard-to-reach areas of a property. When’s the last time you cleaned under the stove?
  • Moisture: Silverfish like damp areas, so places around your property where moisture pools, or hangs in the air, will act as magnets for these pests. 
  • Darkness: Silverfish don’t have well-developed eyes, meaning they avoid bright areas. That’s why basements are common grounds for silverfish populations.
  • Cracks: Even the tightest spaces are accessible to small insects, so tiny little access points in your walls and foundation can allow silverfish and many other bugs to get indoors.

Superior Protection From Big Blue Bug Solutions

Whether your property has already been invaded by silverfish or you just want to get started on proper prevention measures, it’s best to turn to the professionals for all your pest control needs. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, our friendly staff knows all there is to know about silverfish and how to keep them away. With a thorough inspection of your property, we can determine your level of risk and match the right solutions to your situation. If pests are spotted, you can trust that our methods will eliminate the problem and keep it from forming again. Don’t let invasive and potentially destructive silverfish thrive on your property, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions right away.
