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Milford's Step-By-Step Guide To Effective Spider Prevention

a close up of a jumping spider

Spiders are pests that can inspire a love/hate relationship. They are natural predators for the many insects that invade your home, making them somewhat of an ally. However, some spiders are a danger to humans, and (even if they aren't dangerous) most people just don't like them. Before we can get into controlling spider populations, we need to look at the spiders common to the area. The most common spiders you'll come across in the Milford area are:

  • House Spiders: They prefer to live in attics and basements and are known for their small webs in house corners. House spiders have striped legs and dark brown bodies and are the most common indoor spiders in Connecticut.
  • Jumping Spiders: Smaller than most other spiders, these spiders move quickly and are known for their jumping. They usually stay away from people so if you see one inside, it's often an accident.
  • Wolf Spiders: These spiders don't make webs. Instead, they use their powerful bodies to run their prey down and catch them. When threatened, they will bite but the bite isn't harmful to humans, barring an allergic reaction.
  • Brown Recluse Spiders: Their venom is extremely potent and is most assuredly a threat to people. If bitten, medical attention should be sought immediately. These spiders are grayish-brown with a distinct violin shape on the body.
  • Black Widow Spiders: The other venomous spider that people should be wary of. Shiny black with a red hourglass marking, this spider's venom is potent and immediate medical attention is needed if bitten.

Controlling Your Spider Population

If spider control is your concern, it pays to be aware of the most effective spider-prevention tips available. In addition to the following tips, it's a good idea to practice general pest prevention since spiders are often hunting down insects. Check out the following tips:

  • Eliminate entry points: While tracking their prey, they can slip through the same holes and cracks. To not only prevent a spider infestation but also prevent other pests from invading, the first thing to do is seal up any of these entry points with silicone caulk. Keep in mind that even the smallest openings can be taken advantage of so be vigilant in your inspection.
  • Windows: Spiders like to get in through windows. This means torn screens and cracks along the windowsill are prime opportunities for them to get inside.
  • Landscaping: Insects like untamed properties. This means spiders do too. By practicing good landscaping, you can ensure no pests including spiders will want to stick around.
  • Food storage: Any pest that gets inside is going to be attracted to the crumbs you drop or the food you leave out. If the insects come in for the food, then you can expect the spiders to follow accordingly. Practice proper food storage and cleanliness to keep all of them out.
  • Trash storage: Since insects are interested in your trash, that means unmanaged trash will draw spiders out as well. Proper trash management equals fewer insects, which equals fewer spiders.

Remove The Spiders With Big Blue Bug Solutions

For more than 80 years, Big Blue Bug Solutions has made a name for itself thanks to providing the most effective and responsible solutions to our customers. We accomplish this because we offer programs designed to address pests of all types, pests such as insects, rodents, and of course, spiders.

In addition to superior service, we're also the cleanest company around. As part of our approach, we offer a Blue Glove Service that ensures our technicians never enter the home before donning blue gloves and blue booties to ensure the home is left as clean as we found it.
