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Connecticut Property Owners' Guide To Effective Wildlife Control

a coyote outdoors

There are insect pests, and then there is local wildlife. Wildlife is a different form of a pest than usual since they are bigger and sometimes have laws protecting them, which means removal needs to be handled by a licensed professional in some cases. 

Some of the most common wildlife to invade homes (or properties) include:

  • Bats: These animals have webbed wings and are the only mammals capable of true flight. They are also legally protected and need to be handled with care. Bats are classified as either colonial or solitary. Colonial bats like the little brown bat or big brown bat are the most likely to enter homes and other buildings.
  • Woodpeckers: These birds are dependent on trees for shelter and food and are known for their repeated drilling into the wood with their chisel-like beaks. While not a threat to people, they can cause property damage.
  • Squirrels: While there are numerous species of squirrels, they all like to create dens in trees or in the ground. In suburban areas, they use chimney, attics, and soffits to create dens, making them a likely home invader.
  • Snakes: Most aren't venomous and they actually play a beneficial role in the ecosystem. However, that doesn't make them welcome. In urban or suburban areas, they can be found most often in woodpiles, garages, basements, and other similar environments.
  • Coyotes: While not known for invading homes or buildings, these animals are known to invade properties in search of prey. This can disrupt daily life since they are dangerous when they feel threatened.

Breaking Down The Threat Level

As a rule, the animals we mentioned and others like them aren't a direct danger to humans. In fact, they are typically more scared of you than you would be of them. However, that doesn't mean they aren't a nuisance or a threat of some kind. At a minimum, you can expect issues like endless scurrying, scratching, gnawing, and other sounds of movement when you have an infestation on your hands.

Some animals like bats or woodpeckers are also known to cause severe property damage thanks to their habits or the damage they cause by entering the property. In the case of bats, they leave behind droppings called guano, which damages property further.

In addition to property damage, some of these animals can transmit diseases like rabies, tuberculosis, and infectious enteritis among others. Due to the potential threat to your safety and health, it's always recommended to use professional wildlife control specialists to handle animal removal or exclusion.

Preventing Wildlife

The easiest way to prevent wildlife from making your place their home is to understand what attracts them to your property and to take measures to address those factors.

The best prevention tips we have are:

  • Existing Damage: If there are any damaged openings or access points, you can expect the local wildlife to make themselves at home as other pests would. As such, it's vital to maintain repairs on your property.
  • Check the roof: The roof is a common access point for some animals. Check for leaks, water damage, and general disrepair while carrying out your inspection.
  • Landscaping: An untamed yard is an inviting one for wild animals. Trim tree limbs back, mow the grass, store firewood 20 feet away, and perform any other task that will keep your property looking controlled and neat.
  • Watch the trash: Some of these animals will happily dig through your trash. As such, it's critical to keep trash in a secure container that can't be opened by them. Also, be sure to dispose of your trash far away from the house or building.

Controlling Local Wildlife With Big Blue Bug Solutions

For over 80 years, we have been experts in dealing with wildlife problems. We know that every situation is unique, which is why we create a pest control program that is centered on your specific needs. Whether it's live trapping, exclusion, or even catch-and-release, you're in capable hands when you sign on with Big Blue Bug Solutions. Reach out to us today to get started.
