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The Truth About Millipedes In Worcester

a millipede curled up on a garage floor

What’s that bug with a thousand legs? Many people would have a hard time telling you the difference between millipedes and centipedes. They are long bugs with several pairs of legs. The details may not seem as important as getting them out of your house. However, knowing whether you’re dealing with millipedes or centipedes can make a difference in prevention.

Here’s a quick guide to identifying, preventing, and eliminating millipedes in Worcester. If you still have questions or concerns after reading this, call Big Blue Bug Solutions for more information about these pests.

A Profile Of The Millipede

Millipedes can grow up to 15 inches in length, though the millipedes you find in your home are likely to be much smaller. They range in color from black to dark reddish brown. They can have up to 200 pairs of legs, though they start with only three pairs. One way to identify millipedes is that, when they feel threatened, they defend themselves by curling into a tight spiral.

 Millipedes eat dead plants and animals. They prefer to live outside where they can find more food, more hiding places, and more moisture. If they do get into your home, they’ll be in damp areas like bathrooms, basements, and attics.

How Dangerous Are Millipedes?

The question you really want answered: Are millipedes dangerous? Can they bite? Millipedes are considered a nuisance pest. This means that they don’t bite humans, don’t damage property, and don’t carry dangerous bacteria and disease.

 This doesn’t mean that you should invite them into your home. Millipedes can emit a foul-smelling fluid that can irritate your eyes and skin. They can also be unpleasant to see around your house, especially as they tend to hide in dark, damp areas where you might not see them until they’re right in front of you.

Ways To Minimize Millipede Presence

Just because millipedes aren’t dangerous doesn’t mean they should be inside with you. Because millipedes love moist spaces with plenty of plants, they aren’t very likely to come inside. However, here are some extra precautions you can take to prevent a millipede infestation:

  • Fix water leaks. This is perhaps the most important step in millipede prevention. Since they are attracted to moist areas, they’ll be more likely to come in if you have water damage or water buildup in your home.
  • Reduce moisture. Even without a leak, areas like the basement and attic may still be trapping moisture. Use a dehumidifier to make these areas less appealing to millipedes.
  • Clean all storage areas. Millipedes don’t like you any more than you like them. If they’re in your house, they’ll try to find dark areas to hide. If your basement, garage, and attic are well organized, there will be fewer hiding places for them.
  • Check the exterior of your home for entrance points. Walk along the exterior of your house in search of cracks and holes that might be allowing centipedes inside.
  • Replace damaged screens. You should have screens on your windows and doors. If these get torn, you should replace them in order to successfully keep pests outside.
  • Call Big Blue Bug Solutions for help. If you can’t get rid of millipedes, give us a call to find out how we can help you eliminate millipedes from your home.

Big Blue Bug Solutions offers quick and long-term treatments for a variety of pests, including millipedes. Find out what we can do to protect your home and family today.
