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How Much Do You Really Know About The Spiders In Southern Maine?

a jumping spider in a garden

However, there are still a number of different species of spiders that you may come across in and around your home, and all of them have venom and fangs. It is important to be able to identify these spiders so you can eliminate any infestations and prevent future ones.

The Most Common Spiders In Southern Maine

Black and yellow garden spiders – Also called common garden spiders, these spiders are, as you may have guessed, usually found near gardens and outdoor plants. Their bites, while painful, are not medically threatening.

  • Jumping spiders – These spiders have eight eyes and are capable of jumping up to 25 times their height! Jumping spiders will, more often than not, flee from humans. Their venom is not considered dangerous to humans.
  • Banded Argiope – Capable of eating insects twice their size, these spiders are usually found around gardens and ornamentals. They are not prone to biting humans but will if pestered or handled. Their bites may sting but are not dangerous to humans.
  • Cellar spiders – These spiders derive their name from their preference for damp areas such as cellars, basements, and crawl spaces. They are not known to bite and are not considered dangerous.
  • Crab spiders – These spiders move sideways much like crabs, hence the name. Crab spiders are not usually found inside homes, and while their venom may immobilize large insects, it is not considered dangerous to humans.
  • Fishing spiders – These large spiders derive their name from the method in which they catch their prey from the surface of water. They are known to bite if handled, and while it may be painful, it is not considered dangerous to humans.
  • Nursery web spiders – These common home invaders are large and have painful bites. However, though painful, the bite is not considered dangerous.

Spider Prevention Techniques

Though the spiders that are native to southern Maine are not considered medically dangerous to humans, it doesn’t mean you want them hanging around your home. That’s why it is important for you to know the best techniques for keeping them out.

These include:

  • Seal any cracks in exterior walls or foundations.
  • Seal holes around vents, windows, and door frames.
  • Fix any holes in window and door screens.
  • Trim tree branches, bushes, and shrubs around your home.
  • Keep gutters free of debris to prevent a buildup of moisture.

Perhaps the best way to ensure your house is spider-free is to keep your house free of other insects. Spiders will, more often than not, only enter your home if they can find food inside. And what is "food" to spiders? Insects. Therefore, if other bugs have invaded your home, so will spiders.

Contact The Professionals

If you have questions about the spiders around your house or the best ways to get rid of them, contact the professionals here at Big Blue Bug Solutions. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we’ll help you identify any spiders you may have and then eliminate current infestations as well as help to prevent future ones. Give us a call today to keep your Maine home spider-free.
