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The Secret About Portland Earwigs

earwig on fruit

Are you finding brown insects with scary-looking pincers inside your Portland home? Are you already aware that those creepy bugs are called earwigs? If so, you may have heard the myths about earwigs. But you don't have too much to worry about with earwigs. They won't bite or sting you. They may give you a little pinch, but their pincers aren't strong enough to break the skin. You also don't have to worry about them laying eggs inside your ear, or brain. The inside of your body is not an ideal breeding site for earwigs. They can, however, climb into your ear. But this is extremely rare. Mostly, earwigs are just a nuisance. They can damage the plants around your home, and if they find a route, they can get into your home. That is what we're going to talk about today: The secret to why earwigs get into Portland homes.

Why Earwigs Get In

Earwigs don't chew on the wood of your home and make entry points. They have to find an entry point that already exists. They can get into your Portland home like many other pests do, through gaps around doors and windows, cracks in foundation walls, and other vulnerabilities. They're drawn to get into tight spaces because they are "thigmotactic," meaning they like to have their bodies touching multiple surfaces at once. So you can expect them to explore every little gap, crack, and crevice in your exterior. But they have a particular propensity for getting in through entry points created by wood-destroying pests.

Why Earwigs Get In Through Damaged Wood

Earwigs hang out in locations that are dark and damp. If your home has damp conditions near your foundation wall, earwigs will come in close. And they're not the only ones. Carpenter ants, mice, rats, and other pests that chew on rotting wood will come in close to your home if there is damp wood. When they chew holes in wood that has been damaged by damp conditions, earwigs will find these holes. This is why earwigs inside a home are often considered to be a warning sign of a moisture problem.

How To Keep Earwigs Out

  • The first step is to seal any entry points you have in your foundation or exterior walls. If you're able to replace damaged wood and address conditions that are causing wood rot, it will help to give your home long-lasting protection against earwigs and pests that will chew on the wood of your home.
  • If you have fewer earwigs near your home, you're less likely to have them getting into your home. You can reduce earwig populations by addressing conditions of moisture, and by addressing harborage options such as woodpiles, leaf piles, mulch piles, and dense vegetation that is near your home. The goal should be to create a perimeter around your home that is free of organic material.
  • On the interior of your home, you can add dehumidifiers and fans in areas that are humid. Earwigs are looking for a cool damp place to hide. Cellars, basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms are all common locations to find earwigs. If you already have a fan in your bathroom, be sure to use it when you take a bath or shower.

Earwig Control

While earwigs don't pose a threat to you or your family or your property, there are many pests that do. Investing in year-round pest control for your Portland home can reduce the threat pests pose to your health and property and give you the side benefit of not having earwigs in your home. If you're interested in taking the next step, reach out to Big Blue Bug Solutions today. We're always standing by to help you with all of your pest control needs.
