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Blow Flies In Your Portland Home Are More Dangerous Than You May Think

blow fly up close

The blow fly, also referred to as the bottle fly, is a pretty fly, as flies go. But don't let the pretty, metallic color dazzle you into thinking that these flies are good to have around. Blow flies are dirty insects. Here are a few things you should know about them.

All Blow Flies And Bottle Flies Are Bad

In the warm months of the year, greenbottle flies are most active. These flies will appear green or bronze in coloration. In the cooler months of the year, you're likely to see bluebottle flies, which may be blue, black, or purple in color. No matter what time of year and what color of metallic fly you see, they all behave the same.

Why Blow Flies Are Bad

These flies reproduce primarily in the carcasses of dead animals. This brings them in contact with bacteria and pathogens which they are able to spread mechanically to surfaces and food they land on. They can also lay eggs in the open wounds of wildlife, livestock, and pets, creating a condition called myiasis, where the eggs hatch and the maggots invade the flesh of the host animal. If these flies find a way into your home, they can present a serious health concern for you, your family, and your pets.

Blow Fly Prevention

When considering blow fly prevention, it is important to consider their ideal breeding site: Dead animals. Homes that have issues with blow flies are often farms with livestock or residential structures that have a mouse or rat problem. If you're finding lots of blow flies on your property, it is likely that there is a dead animal hidden somewhere. The first step is to do something about mice, rats, and other wildlife around your home or inside your home.

There are two other possibilities for effective blow fly reproductions. These flies lay eggs in animal waste and organic sludge found in trash. Keep these sources in mind as you track down your fly problem.

  • If you have a dog, be sure to promptly address the waste they leave in your yard. Some dog owners create a fenced-in area to make it easier to keep track of waste. If a dog is able to roam in your landscaping, they can leave waste in locations where it will be difficult to see. Blow flies have no such problem. They locate dog waste quickly.
  • Blow flies can reproduce in open trash. A key location to inspect is your exterior trash receptacles. Make sure they're clean. If you don't have a blow fly problem yet, you can prevent one by keeping your exterior trash in covered containers.

Entry Points

If flies are getting into your home, it is important to make sure your exterior is sealed. Replace or repair damaged screens. Fill in holes and seal up gaps and cracks. While flies can zip right in through an open door, they often use other openings to get in.

What Doesn't Work

Many people hang fly strips when they have a fly problem. While you can catch some flies this way, it won't address the source of the fly infestation, and it won't get "all" the flies. If you don't address the source, you'll keep having flies. And, if you trust the strips to catch all the flies, you'll have these dirty insects landing on surfaces and spreading harmful organisms.

Blow Fly Control In South Portland

If you can't figure out where the flies are coming from, we can help. Reach out to Big Blue Bug Solutions. When bugs are a problem, we have the solution.
