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What Everybody In Portland Ought To Know About Stink Bugs

brown stink bugs on garden plants

It’s almost that time of year again. With winter behind us, Maine is getting ready for a new challenge, pest season. Mosquitoes will once again be out in yards biting people, ants will be crawling through homes stealing food, and stink bugs will be out and about, well, stinking. If stink bugs caused problems for you around your home last year, you can be certain they will be back with a vengeance. What can you do to stop them? Here is everything our experts say you ought to know.

Stink bugs look like they were peeled right off of a tree. Of course, we are talking about the natural brown camouflage pattern on their backsides. As for shape, stink bugs look a lot like a medieval shield. Their 6 legs and 2 antennae are also camouflaged in that they look like sticks. If your home has brown patterned walls and carpeting, you will be hard-pressed to spot these intrusive pests.

 What is crazy is that stink bugs are not native to America and didn’t even exist on our continent until the 1990s. If you are over 50 years old, you probably remember a time when stink bugs didn’t exist here. It was a simpler and less smelly time. Joking aside, since stink bugs were introduced to America they have rapidly grown in populations. To date, they can be found in 44 different states as well as in the District of Columbia.

How Dangerous Are Stink Bugs?

The good news is that stink bugs are practically harmless. They do not have a stinger, they don’t bite, and they are not known to spread bacteria, pathogens, or parasites. What they are known for is the pungent smell they produce when threatened or squished. If you have ever dealt with stink bugs in your home, you probably already know how careful you have to be when trapping them and moving them outside.

 One thing you might not know about stink bugs is that they can severely damage crops and other plant life. Grass, weeds, grain, soybeans, peaches, peanut trees, pecan trees, eggplants, beans, okra, and other plants are all at risk. Stink bugs will eat practically anything that grows from the dirt. If you have a garden or live next to a crop field, stink bugs can be extra problematic around your property.

Stink Bug Prevention Tips

No-one likes finding stink bugs inside their home. To keep these smelly pests our of your Portland home this summer, here are some prevention tips our experts recommend.

  • Seal gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior foundation using a caulking gun.
  • Check your home’s window and door screens and make sure they are rip- and tear-free.
  • Keep your exterior lights off at night, or invest in insect-repellant bulbs.
  • Address moisture issues around your home by fixing leaks, repairing broken gutters, and using fans and dehumidifiers to combat humidity.
  • Store foods stink bugs and other pests might like to eat in sealed containers.
  • Check produce for stink bugs before bringing it home with you.
  • Take care of your lawn and landscaping and store firewood at least 30 feet from your home’s exterior.

If stink bugs get inside, the best thing you can do to get them out is to use a handheld vacuum. Once you have sucked up your foes, release them immediately outdoors or in a place where you won’t be able to smell them.

How To Ensure Stink Bugs Stay Away

To ensure stink bugs stay out of your home this year, we have detailed and proven solutions for you here at Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our treatments are designed to repel smelly stink bugs along with a wide variety of other common pest invaders. 
