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Everything You Need To Know To Be Prepared For Tick Season In Milford, CT

a tick biting and speading lime disease

Have you ever walked up to a body of water and seen leeches swimming around in it? Just the sight of them is enough to prevent most people from getting in. If this was what it was like for ticks, most people would never go outside. Why? Because ticks are everywhere, hiding in bushes, clinging the tops of grass blades--hiding where you least expect them, waiting for a tasty meal like you to walk by. The good news is, just because ticks are everywhere does not mean they have to be in your yard. As we approach tick season here in Milford, here are some things you should know to be best prepared.

What Are Ticks?

Ticks are eight-legged parasitic pests from the subclass acari, meaning that they are closely related to spiders. Unlike spiders, however, ticks are not very mobile. Their small legs and lack of wings restrict their speed and require them to get creative. To get onto a host, ticks will climb up onto tall grass and other greenery and wait for a victim to walk by. When a human or animal comes close enough, ticks will reach out their front legs and use them to transfer onto skin, fur, or clothing. Once aboard, ticks will burrow their head deep under the skin of their victim to feed. It is only when they are full of a tasty blood meal that they release and potentially hop off.

Are Ticks Dangerous?

Although not all ticks are dangerous, enough are to cause concern. What is it that makes a tick dangerous? The diseases and parasites they can carry. You may have heard of Lyme disease as this is the number one disease spread by ticks. What you might not know is that Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria ticks carry called Borrelia burgdorferi. Early symptoms of Lyme disease include fever, chills, fatigue, headache, muscle and joint aches, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash. These all typically occur within 3 to 30 days after being bitten. Later symptoms of Lyme disease can be much more severe. If you find a tick on your body, doctors recommend you save it in a plastic bag in the freezer after safely removing it from your skin. This will help them quickly identify and treat symptoms if they occur.

How You Can Keep Ticks Off Of You

Ticks are interesting creatures. If you know enough about them, there are a number of things you can do to keep them from biting you when out of the house.

Here are just a few prevention tips our experts recommend.

  • Wear light-colored clothing when outside.
  • Wear long pants and tuck your pant legs into your socks.
  • Avoid walking through tall grass or thick greenery.
  • Use a chemical or all-natural tick repellant.

How To Reduce Tick Populations In Your Yard

Ticks come into yards on wildlife. If you eliminate factors that attract them, they will be less likely to come around. Our experts recommend mowing your lawn at least once a week and keeping your bushes and other greenery well maintained. In addition to this, do your best to repel wildlife that could be carrying ticks by fencing in your garden and installing repellants such as motion-activated sprinklers and lights. Finally, our experts recommend investing in high-quality tick control for your yard. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we offer long-lasting and effective treatments to deter ticks from your Milford property. If you would like to feel safe in your own yard, we have what you need.

Give our team a call today to find your best solution to tick problems.
