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Ants In The Winter Spells Big Trouble For Your Worcester Home


It has gotten pretty cold here in Worcester. Jackets have been taken out of storage, fireplaces blaze with vibrant flames, and snow has already fallen. With such unfavorable conditions outside, it can seem a little curious to find ants indoors. Where are they coming from? How are they able to survive the bitter cold outside? Is there something we don’t know? You might be shocked when you hear the answer to these questions.

What Naturally Happens To Ants During The Winter?

Ants do not do well in the cold. Their bodies slow way down, and with enough exposure, they die. For this reason, ants hide deep within their colonies and enter into a dormant state called diapause. To prepare for this in the months leading up to winter, many ants will increase their intake of fats, proteins, and carbs, just like a bear does before hibernating. By putting on extra fat, ants are able to stay warm enough to survive even the most brutally cold winter. What they cannot do, however, is leave their underground nests to get into homes. So how is it that ants have found their way into your home?

Why Are You Seeing Ants In Your Home?

The answer to this question is simple. If you are finding ants in your home at this point in winter, it means they have been there all along. They most likely invaded during the fall when the weather was cooling down. As you are reading this, ants are most likely hiding away in your home, reproducing, and scheming their next way to scavenge food from your kitchen. With no cold to worry about due to your home’s temperature-controlled environment, ants have no need to hibernate, meaning they will be causing you trouble until spring.

Where Around Your Home Are Ants Hiding?

Ants prefer to live in secluded places. This means they will gravitate towards the voids in your walls and ceilings. To find where ants are nesting in your home, there are a few things you can look for.

  • Swarmers: Swarmers are winged ants tasked with finding a new location to establish a colony. Following them throughout your home might help you find where they came from, or at least where they might be planning on building a new nest.
  • Wood Shavings: This is a direct sign of carpenter ants. Usually found clinging to walls or at their base, wood shavings are the result of carpenter ants tunneling through the structural wood of your home.
  • Moisture: Ants tend to be found around moist areas. If your home has leaks or particularly humid rooms, this might be a good place to start your search for ants.
  • Dead Ants: Finding piles of dead ants around your home is a good indication that there is a nest nearby. Check for cracks in walls, window frames, and baseboards near where you are seeing dead ants. You might find where ants are coming in and out from your walls.

Problems That Can Come From Ants

With many different species of ants, problems tend to vary. Some ants are capable of picking up and transmitting dangerous bacteria as they scavenge through your home. Carpenter ants can destroy your home’s wood from the inside out, potentially costing thousands of dollars to repair. Fortunately, most ants are just nuisance pests and only cause trouble by causing stress.

How To Get Ants Out Of Your Home This Winter

If you have been finding ants in your Worcester home, we are here to help. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we know how frustrating and destructive ants can be. To get ants out of your home, give us a call today. Our highly trained and friendly pest technicians are standing by to help make your home ant-free once again.