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Worcester Homeowner's Comprehensive Rodent Prevention Guide


Finding rodents in your home is never fun. Whether you encounter rats or mice, you will struggle with getting rid of them. These elusive pests are very hard to track down and eliminating them could take weeks or even months of concentrated effort. There’s no guarantee that DIY solutions will get rid of them, either. If rodents are causing you trouble, use this comprehensive rodent prevention guide to stay one step ahead of these dangerous pests.

Why Are Rodents A Problem?

Rodents are one of the most commonly invading pests in the Worcester area, and with them comes all kinds of problems. They are dirty and can spread all kinds of dangerous diseases through the bacteria that collect on their fur and their droppings. Hantavirus, salmonella, tularemia, and leptospirosis are only a few of the dangerous pathogens they can spread. Ticks that cling onto their fur could also get into your home, putting you and your family at risk for Lyme disease.

Rodents are known for their chewing. They typically enter a home by finding a weak spot in your home’s exterior and chewing it open to fit through. They can squeeze into incredibly tight spaces, so it doesn’t take a huge opening to create an entry point. Additionally, they chew through wires, walls, ceilings, floors, and insulation, creating all kinds of home damage that will cost you money or compromise the integrity of your home’s structure and your belongings.

Rodent Entry Points And How To Seal Them

Any opening the size of a dime or larger can invite a rodent in. They can squeeze under doors and through slightly ajar windows, or they can chew through an opening and get inside through your wall voids. It’s incredibly important to inspect your home’s exterior regularly and seal any potential entry points to make sure there’s no way for a rodent to get inside.

Some rodents can use shrubbery and trees outside to get closer to your home or to get on your roof, where they can enter through chimneys or vents. Putting mesh covers over these openings and keeping your greenery well-trimmed is important for preventing rodents.

Rodent Prevention Tips For Worcester Homeowners

If you’re trying to prevent a rodent infestation, use these tips to keep your home protected.

  • Seal all possible entry points on the exterior. This includes the foundation, siding, utility connection points, doors, windows, vents, and gables.
  • Keep outdoor food (pet food, birdseed, etc.) properly stored in air-tight plastic containers. Indoors, keep food stored in plastic containers or the fridge, and don’t leave food sitting on counters or tables.
  • Regularly clean and keep your home tidy. Wipe up food messes immediately and take out the trash often. Seal outdoor trash cans to avoid attracting rodents or other pests.
  • Maintain your greenery. Mow the lawn, trim shrubs, and tree branches, and remove debris from your yard to eliminate hiding spots.

How To Get Rid Of A Rodent Infestation

If prevention isn’t working for you and you still have a rodent infestation, you might be tempted to try DIY solutions. Don’t – they’re messy, expensive, and rarely get rid of the entire infestation. Instead, call Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our trained technicians can identify the signs of a rodent infestation and lay out a thorough treatment plan to attack the source of a rodent infestation. We can also provide information that will prevent future infestations. Whether you’re dealing with rodents or other troublesome pests, we can help. Call Big Blue Bug Solutions and see it through with blue.