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Portland Homeowner’s Complete Cockroach Prevention Guide

a cockroach crawling in a basement

Cockroaches have been a rising problem in the northeast, and Portland is no exception. There are a number of different species of cockroaches living among us. Common to Portland are German cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, and American cockroaches. Each of these is slightly different in size, looks, and mannerisms. But there is one constant that all three of these species have in common. They’re a big nuisance and are difficult to get rid of! But Big Blue can help.

The rate at which cockroaches can multiply is staggering. A single female German cockroach, which happens to be the most common type we see in the Portland area, can reportedly reproduce as many as 30,000 cockroaches inside a single year. You can see how a few roaches can turn into a major infestation, quickly.

 There are a number of things you can do to prevent cockroach infestations. Here are four simple prevention steps every Portland home and business owner can take to try to prevent a cockroach infestation:

  • Clean. Good sanitation practices include vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, throwing out rotting fruits and veggies, and disposing of garbage frequently. Anything that could have remnants of food should be taken care of in a timely manner. If there is no food, there will likely be no roaches!
  • Seal up your fortress. Grouting cracked foundations and caulking crevasses in your windows and doors can make all the difference. Removing potential entry points is dire.
  • Call a professional. Experts like the ones here at Big Blue Bug Solutions have treatment plans to help put your mind at ease. We know exactly what to do to keep you from getting a cockroach infestation and we’d be happy to set you up with a comprehensive treatment plan.
  • Store food properly. Make sure you use air-tight Tupperware-type containers and the refrigerator to store food. Don’t leave food out on the counters or have loose items in the pantry.

“I Think I Have Cockroaches! What Now?!”

Not all cockroach prevention measures are effective at stopping every infestation. If you end up with a cockroach infestation, give the experts at Big Blue a call. We’ll help you get rid of them. We’ll walk your property and help you understand the points of entry so that we can work together to seal them and make sure you don’t have problems again in the future. Keeping cockroaches out is the easiest method of preventing an infestation. Look for moisture issues, most notably in warm areas. Cockroaches enjoy warm, dark, and moist conditions. Under a sink, under the fridge, behind the dishwasher… Make sure there are no entry points in these areas and be sure to keep them clean.

 After we’ve determined the weak points of your home, we’ll attack them together. Then, our pest control experts will eradicate the current population with efficient pest control measures designed for cockroaches, and help you defend your home against future potential inhabitants.

If you are experiencing cockroaches in your home or you need help in preventing them, reach out to Big Blue. We're glad to help.
