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Little-Known Ways To Make Your Worcester Home Less Attractive To Termites

a large colony of termites infesting a worchester massachusettes home during winter season

There’s no telling how much damage a termite infestation can cause. These pests are industrious insects that utilize a caste system to maximize the food they can gather and the offspring they can produce.

 Termite activity can lead to serious problems: unstable foundations, collapsing roofs and thousands of dollars in damage to homes or businesses. So what can be done? While no prevention tips are 100 percent effective, there are some things that you can do to make your home less attractive to termites. In today’s blog, we’ll cover what attracts termites inside and what you can do as a property owner to reduce the likelihood of termite activity on your property.

What Attracts Termites?

First, it pays to know what appeals to termites in the first place. Knowing their preferences is the first step toward making your home or commercial business less appealing than others on the block.

  • Wood-to-soil contact: Termites like to eat wood, but they make their mounds in dirt and soil. Homes with flowerbeds or gardens running right alongside the walls act as beacons for termites to nest nearby and tunnel their way in.
  • Moisture problems: Termites need water to survive just like anything else, and some even prefer water-logged or damp woods over dry ones. Leaking pipes, poor ventilation, and unmanaged spills can all be attractants.
  • Dark, dank places: In addition to moist areas, termites like dark areas like crawlspaces and basements. Keeping them well lit and ventilated will help avoid termites.

Termite Prevention Tips And Methods

Now that we know what appeals to termites, we know areas to address to prevent them from moving in. But what specific actions can you take?

  • Replace weatherstripping & mortar: Areas with cracks in the walls or around door and window frames are common places for bugs of all kinds to sneak in, and termites are no exception. Keep these areas maintained and seal off these openings.
  • Implement moisture control: As touched on above, moist areas are attractive to termites. Properly ventilating rooms will reduce water vapor and pooling moisture. Keeping plumbing maintained is another good step. Turn to professionals for proper insulation installation.
  • Proper landscaping: Subterranean termites burrow underground and then seek out wood to consume. Wood-to-soil contact, with flowerbeds or even grass running right up next to the exterior of your home provides termites with easy access to get inside and underneath the walls and foundation. A good 18 inches of dry material such as crushed rock next to your foundation is recommended.

Be Proactive -- Know That The Pros Can Help

Responsible homeowners know that being diligent is important to maintaining a healthy home, and the same applies to checking for pests -- especially termites. They are good at keeping their activities to themselves, so catching an infestation early is key to keeping the problem under control. Check areas in and around your home frequently, paying special attention to the areas we touched on in this blog. Spend time and money on upkeep rather than reacting to problems as they crop up. Often, by the time you notice problem spots, pests have already taken advantage.

 Turn to the pros at Big Blue Bug Solutions for total peace of mind. Our experts will not only check for and eliminate termites, but they’ll also look for areas of improvement around the home, where solutions can be implemented to reduce the risk of other pest infestations. Don’t let all the hard work you put in as a homeowner to go to waste. Call Big Blue Bug Solutions to keep your home pest-free!
