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Where Do Spiders In Milford Go For The Winter?

a house spider on a wall

Winter in Milford is a magical time. The cold weather brings beautiful scenery and enjoyable holiday traditions. However, we aren’t the only ones wanting to stay inside and bundle up. A majority of pests prefer to spend winter within our warm walls as well. While spiders are rather unique in their ability to stay outside for the duration of the winter, you might still have to deal with them inside your house.

Hunting Grounds

Spiders in Milford are one of the only creatures on earth who can make their own sort of natural antifreeze and survive the winter. Still, they might find their way into your home more often in the winter because of their hunting habits. While most spiders you’ll see in our region won’t grow much larger than the size of a quarter, it’s not humans they’re trying to intimidate. A spider’s main source of food is other pests, preferably living insects. When more pests begin entering your home to find a place to avoid wintry weather, spiders will be shortly behind them in pursuit of their next meal.

 When hunting around your house, spiders like to hide out in the cracks, voids, and recesses of the structure, both on the outside and inside of your home. Any mulch or pine straw around the perimeter of the house is also an ideal hiding spot for them, as they can intercept their prey on its way into the house. If you notice spiders this winter when you’ve never noticed them before, it’s not because they are just now starting to enter your house. They’ve most likely been there all along, but they have recently increased in size and number, causing you to notice them more now.

Prevention Practices

While most spiders are not dangerous to humans, they still have an unsettling effect when present in your house. It’s not a fun feeling to see spiderwebs in the corners of rooms or to watch spiders crawl through small cracks in your walls. Getting rid of spiders, however, is much more easily said than done.

 You’ll want to start by addressing their entry points. This means any small cracks or crevices in the foundation and exterior will need to be filled, including the caulking around window sills. Applying new weather-stripping to exterior doors is also helpful, along with monitoring any screens you may have for holes or tears.

 Other than that, it can be very difficult to keep spiders out of the house. If they want in, they’ll probably find a way. That’s why your focus should be on activities that can reduce spiders’ food sources, making them less inclined to try to get in. Limit pest activity in your home by:

  • Deal with moisture issues: damp, dark environments are ideal for most pests. Make sure to use a dehumidifier to avoid moisture buildup. You’ll also want to keep a close eye out for any leaking pipes, as even the slightest drip can lead to water damage and insect infestation.
  • Declutter your home: clutter creates many places for pests to hide in your house. They’re far less likely to stick around if every room is open and organized.
  • Cleaning habits: a regular cleaning routine will help keep loose crumbs and spill remnants off of the floors and counters. Most pests can survive on just a few crumbs, so food cleanup and storage is very important.

Unfortunately, spiders and wintering pests are tricky. Since insects want badly to avoid the weather, they’ll find any way possible into your home. Sometimes, there isn’t much you can do about spider and insect control…on your own. That’s why Big Blue Bug Solutions is here to help. Contact us today to solve your pest issues for good.
