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What Southern Maine Property Owners Ought To Know About Squirrel Dangers

a squirrel deterred by wildlife pest control

It’s hard to deny: they can sometimes be cute. When a squirrel holds a nut between two tiny paws or bounds along the top of a fence with its big, bushy tail blowing in the breeze, these rodents can be endearing at times. But they’re still rodents.

 If someone asked you if you wanted to allow rodents onto your property or into your house, you’d probably say no. So, what makes squirrels any different? While they may not be as nasty looking as mice or rats, squirrels will bring nothing but damage, disease, and danger onto your property.

Squirrely Yard Invaders

Now that we understand that squirrels are, in fact, rodents, you can understand how much damage they can do. These small, brownish-grey creatures have two features that set them apart: the bushy tail and the buck teeth. These two large incisors are consistent with all rodents, and they’re growing all the time. To make sure these teeth don’t grow too fast, squirrels will chew almost non-stop.

They might be native to woodland areas, but they are becoming more and more accustomed to humans as a source of food: fruit and nut trees, pet food, birdseed, and trash are some just some of their favorite meals that your property may be able to provide them. However, squirrels will do a lot more than just cause some hangry birds on your property.

Destructive Roof Raiders

You’ve seen how agile squirrels are. They’ll bound from branch to branch, fence post to fence post, and even rooftop to rooftop. Once they’ve reached your roof, that’s where they can be a real terror. If there are any damaged shingles, they’ll tear them up to gain access. If there are any small holes in the roof (or the underside of an overhang), they’ll easily chew a large enough hole to get in.

Once in your attic, they can cause a ton of damage and pose a danger to anyone who happens to back them into a corner or stumble upon a nest. Anything from insulation to electrical wiring to AC vents will get chewed through, especially if a mother squirrel gives birth to many more. While squirrels are not known to carry rabies, they can carry several other diseases, some of which can be transferred to humans through a bite. To avoid further damage and danger, you’ll want to spot the signs early:

  • Scratching and scurrying from within the walls and above the ceiling
  • Food bags and boxes that have been chewed through
  • Feces in closets or corners of rooms

Prevention Methods

Once you see these signs, squirrels are very difficult to get rid of by yourself. Most attempts to capture them or get them off of your property are not only ineffective but dangerous as well. You’re better off focusing on preventative activities instead.

  • Make sure that you have squirrel-safe bird feeders, or simply remove them from your yard.
  • Trim back any branches from above your roof to limit squirrel access.
  • Seal up cracks in the structure to limit squirrels' ability to enlarge gaps and holes in your home and roof to gain access.
  • Never provide outdoor food sources, or they will keep coming back for more. (Then they’ll enter your home when they aren’t satisfied).

While these methods can reduce your chances of incurring a squirrel infestation, you never know when one might wander in. The most effective and safest way to prevent and eradicate squirrels is to trust the professionals. For more advice or assistance, contact the professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions.
