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What Not To Do If You Spot Signs Of Termites Around Your Connecticut Property

a termite Infesttaion at a home

Every year, termites cause people across the country millions of dollars in property damage. Termites in Connecticut put both your home and your finances in danger. If you want to save yourself from the struggles that come from termites, you need to take action. But it's just as important to know what not to do if you spot termites as it is to know what to do. Find out what you should avoid doing if you find termites.

DIY Tips To Avoid

  • Use Ammonia: One common DIY method of termite control is ammonia. While ammonia can kill termites, it won't destroy the whole colony. You need to be able to make every termite in the colony come into contact with the chemical. Unfortunately, spraying Windex doesn't allow you to do that. The remaining termites will reproduce and continue to damage your home. If you want to eliminate termites, ammonia won't work.
  • Use Boric Acid: Another standard DIY method of termite removal is boric acid. However, this chemical is like ammonia in its inability to kill the whole colony. Although you'll kill some termites, others will remain. Boric acid is also harmful to your health. If someone swallows the acid, they will become ill. It's extremely unsafe for households with pets and children. Rather than risk your family, you should find another way to eliminate termites in Connecticut.
  • Use Orange Oil: Unlike boric acid, orange oil is not harmful to your health. However, it's not 100% effective at eliminating termites. Applying orange oil in your home deters termites, but it won't get rid of all termites. After treatment, some termites will remain.
  • Use Nematodes: If you're looking for an eco-friendly way to kill termites, nematodes might be your first choice for treatment. The parasitic worms kill termites, as well as other pests. That said, they're not a good solution to termite trouble. For one, only some nematodes are effective at killing termites. Even if they are the right type, they might not survive the journey to your home. They could die as soon as you release them. Finally, there's no guarantee your parasites will kill the whole colony.
  • Use Over the Counter Sprays: You could use over the counter sprays to treat termites, but this method also has its drawbacks. Once again, the sprays don't kill the entire colony. Furthermore, the chemicals in the sprays can be hazardous to your health.
  • Trust the Sun: If you're counting on UV rays to kill termites, you're making a mistake. The rays will only work with direct exposure. So, you can kill termites in furniture by taking it outside. But there's no way to save your home from termites with UV light. The termites in your walls will persist.
  • Ignore the Situation: The worst thing you could do is ignore your termite issues. If you suspect any signs of an infestation, you should call the professionals. There are two main reasons for this. First, termites reproduce at a rapid rate. Secondly, as time goes on, these pests will do more and more damage.

So, What Should You Do?

Instead of taking matters into your own hands, hire an experienced pest control company in Connecticut. You can also take some preventative measures, such as:

  • Limiting soil to wood contact
  • Storing firewood away from your home
  • Replacing moisture-damaged wood

Your efforts make termites less likely to take over your home. However, the only way to truly prevent or eliminate termites is with professional assistance. Here at Big Blue Bug Solutions, you can count on us to take steps to protect your home and eliminate all termites.
