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Southern Maine's Complete Cockroach Prevention Guide

a cockorach in a kitchen

Most people have a natural fear of cockroaches, or, at least, we all get that pit in our stomach when we see one. They might make our skin crawl, but they can be much more dangerous than most people realize. If you knew what the health concerns they bring into your home, you’d be very concerned about roach prevention. So why take a reactionary approach to roaches when you can do something about them ahead of time? Instead of just killing them and throwing them away every time you see one, what if you could keep them out for good?

Cockroach Dangers

The roaches that plague Southern Maine range from a half-inch to an inch and a half in length. They are typically tan to dark brown or red in color, and many of them have two sets of wings. Cockroaches also have antennae and six legs, just like every other insect. So where does our natural fear of roaches stem from?

 Maybe our bodies can recognize the true threat. You see, roaches spend most of their time in highly contaminated areas: sewers, dumpsters, landfills, etc. When they enter your home in search of food, they’ll typically make their way to the kitchen for a more sophisticated food source than dumpster crumbs. However, just because their standards are higher doesn’t mean that they are any less nasty. They’re still carrying all of that bacteria from the sewer or landfill straight into your home and spreading it all over your furniture and food preparation surfaces. This puts you at severe risk of incurring harmful diseases like salmonella, E.coli, and more.

If the health concerns don’t catch your attention, then you might be more worried about saving money. Roaches can cause expensive damage to your home and stored food supplies. When an infestation is severe, the allergen they secrete as they move around will begin to make your walls deteriorate and yellow. Plus, roaches will infest any stored food you have in the pantry unless it is sealed up tightly in a container they can’t chew through.

Prevention Strategies

Once these roaches are in, you’re going to have a very hard time getting rid of them yourself. So let’s focus on preventing infestation before it’s too late. By adhering to the following simple guidelines, you can drastically reduce your chances of incurring a roach infestation:

  • Moisture maintenance: by limiting moisture building in your home, you create a much less ideal habitat for roaches. You can do this by using a dehumidifier in your crawl spaces and monitoring your pipes for even the smallest leaks.
  • Declutter the home: roaches feel much more comfortable with lots of places to hide in a house rather than open, organized environments. Simply picking up your stuff and putting it away can help make your home less attractive to roaches.
  • Clean regularly: since roaches can survive on even a small amount of crumbs, cleaning the floors, counters, and tables regularly can help eliminate a convenient food supply for them.
  • Store food and trash properly: plastic containers that seal up tightly are best for food storage, and your trash can lid should seal completely as well. Many roaches are small and can squeeze into very tight spaces, so make sure your food and trash containers won’t allow them access.

While these guidelines can be a great start, there is no such thing as a guarantee when it comes to do-it-yourself pest prevention. Sometimes, the only certain way to keep roaches out is with the help of a professional. Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today for assistance you can count on.
