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How To Catch Early Signs Of Termites Around Your Worcester Home

termites eating wood in a worcester home

There’s no telling how, when, where, or why termites may come calling on your Worcester home, but there’s one thing we do know: you aren’t going to be getting rid of them without some professional help! 

Termites vary widely and come in many unique sizes and shapes. Here in Worcester, we commonly catch sight of at least three unique species: the drywood termite, the dampwood termite, and the subterranean termite. Each of these termite types chooses a different manner of infestation and edification, but together, these pests share several of the same physical characteristics. A few of the most tell-tale descriptors are:

  • Large heads with large mandibles
  • A lack of eyes 
  • Wingless drones accompanied by larger (and scarier) looking warrior termites 
  • Colors of cream, white, yellow, brown, and tan 
  • ¼ inch bodies

If you catch sight of a termite lingering around your property, you should know that your home may be in serious trouble. Out in the wild, termites are natural powerhouses for recycling fallen debris and rotting wood. Their ability to shred through old logs, fallen trees, and decaying plant matter makes them a helpful ‘janitor’ to Mother Nature. Termites never sleep and work around the clock 24/7 to break down wood and feed their colonies. Of course, this commendable attribute may spell disaster for homeowners in Worcester.  

 Termites cause five billion dollars’ worth of damage in households worldwide, and that number is only projected to increase over time. Prevent your home from becoming another statistic by scheduling an annual inspection today.

Spotting Signs Of Worcester Termite Activity On Your Property

It can be hard to spot termite problems at first, especially if you have never looked for one before. However, failure to keep a sharp eye out may result in damages far beyond your wildest imagination. Here are a few termite signs to look out for during the early spring months:

  • Doors, windows, and other entry points that fit too tightly in their frames. This could be a sign of wood drooping caused by insect feeding. 
  • Small piles of fine sawdust, commonly known as frass, building up around small holes in wooden objects.
  • Thin, gossamer insect wings dropped around the property. If you see these wings inside of your home, you may need to upgrade your annual prevention to an annual treatment.

Regardless of your protection steps, the best form of prevention against termite activity will always be found in an annual termite inspection from a certified local company. For additional information, please reach out to the team at Big Blue Bug Solutions right away. We’re ready to help you manage your annual termite inspections with pride, thoughtfulness, and care.

Don’t Tempt Fate – Rely On The Termite Team At Big Blue Bug Solutions

Termites may already be present in your home, despite whatever DIY (do it yourself) remedies and home protection steps you have taken in the past. If you do notice the signs of termite activity in your home, it will be important not to waste any more time or money on non-professional treatments. Safety and security against termites of all kinds can be found in the experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions.

Home and business owners all over Worcester have experienced the relief that comes from Big Blue Bug Solution’s professional termite treatments. Enjoy knowledgeable inspections, helpful treatment measures, and responsible follow up visits with every home visit made. Protect the things you love most with some help from Big Blue Bug Solutions by calling our Worchester office at your earliest convenience. We can’t wait to serve you!
