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A Handy Guide To Rat Control For Worcester Property Owners

a norway rat

To put it kindly, rats are unpleasant. They're dangerous rodents that cause damage to property. Check out our guide to rat control in Worcester and learn how to keep rats away from your property.

Rats In Worcester

The two most common types of rats in Worcester are the Norway rat and the roof rat. Both rats are similar in appearance, and both have similar differences from mice. Rats have bare tails and short legs and a more elongated nose than mice. It's also worth noting that you will seldom see a rat and a mouse in the same location. Typically, you only have one type of rodent in your home.

Norway and roof rats differ in their behaviors. While Norway rats like to burrow and build nests outside of building walls, roof rats prefer to live in trees or attics. You could come across either one in your property, and both types of rat bring danger to your home. They often seek shelter near humans because there's an abundance of food. As rats forage for food, they're attracted to garbage cans, pantries, and more.

What's So Bad About Rats?

Rats aren't the most welcome of house guests, and there's a good reason for this. When a rat enters a home, havoc can ensue. For one, rats breed quickly. A small rat problem won't remain small. After a few weeks, you could feel surrounded by rats. Another problem with rats is their destructive nature. Rodents like to chew and will sharpen their teeth on almost anything. Once they're inside your home, rats will chew on wood, cardboard, and building materials. They may also chew on your electrical wires, causing fire hazards.

Perhaps the worst thing about rats is the ability to transmit diseases and parasites. In the past, rats have been responsible for causing plagues. Rats hang out in alleyways and sewers, collecting pathogens as they walk. When they venture inside your home, rats take those diseases with them. Your entire household is in danger if rats are around.

Rat Prevention

To save yourself the grief that comes from a rat infestation, you can take a few precautions around your property. All of the following tips can protect your home from rodents:

  • Seal Up Holes: If you have any gaps or crevices in your home's exterior, rats can get inside. Even if a hole is too small for them to enter, they can gnaw at it to make it larger. You should check your home for cracks, holes, and crevices. Seal them up as soon as possible.
  • Check Screens: Holes in your screens can also be entry points for rats. Using a patch kit, repair all holes in your screens.
  • Store Food With Care: Keep the food inside your home, stored in secure containers. Because rats can chew through cardboard, try keeping your food in metal, glass or plastic containers with lids. The same is true for your pet food. If you leave your dog food in its original packaging, rats will be attracted to it.
  • Clean Frequently: If your home is clean, there won't be much food for rats. Vacuum, mop, and sweep your floor as frequently as possible. Be sure to remove clutter and wipe down your counters daily.
  • Maintain Your Yard: A messy yard attracts rats. To keep them away, keep your lawn short and remove piles of leaves and branches which provide coverage for foraging rats.
  • Call A Professional: Before you see signs of rats, call a professional for prevention advice. If it's too late and you are already seeing signs of rats, don't hesitate. Call in an experienced professional.

The most effective way to handle a rat infestation is to contact us at Big Blue Bug Solutions. Call us today for help.
