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8 Helpful Tips To Keep Pests Out Of Your Worcester Pantries

an indian meal moth in a kitchen

Pests can invade any part of your Worcester home. One of the most common areas of invasion is the pantry. Tobacco beetles, Indian meal moths, and weevils often feed on the food stored in pantries. Even worse, they lay their eggs in your dried foods. Before you find yourself a victim of the many pantry pests in Worcester, follow these tips to keep them out of your home.

  • Store Food Properly: How do you store your food? If you’re like most people, you might keep your flour, sugar, and rice in their original containers. However, this could put your home at risk of welcoming pantry pests. Some pests can chew through cardboard and other materials, which means your dried food isn’t safe. To keep your food safe, use glass or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Most pests won’t be able to chew through the containers, and your food will be safe. As an added benefit, storing your food will also keep your pantry clean and organized. You won’t have as many crumbs, and you won’t attract nuisance pests.
  • Avoid Using Food Items as Decoration: Even though potpourri and dried flowers make for beautiful decor, they don’t help keep pests away. In fact, they invite pests into your home. They see your decorations as food. If you feel the need to decorate with such items, make sure you store them in airtight containers when they’re not being used for decoration.
  • Keep Bay Leaves in Your Dry Goods: If you want a natural insect repellent for your dry goods, gather up a few bay leaves. Place one leaf in each of your dry goods. Because bay leaf has such a strong odor, it repels many pests that might otherwise end up in your pantry.
  • Look Through Your Groceries: One way in which pests can end up in your pantry is by hitchhiking from the grocery store. They live in dry goods in the store. When you buy a bag of flour that already has a pest or pest eggs in it, you bring the pest into your home. Food that is sold in paper, cardboard, or plastic bags has the potential to contain pests. To avoid bringing these pests home, inspect grocery items before you buy them. If a package has a small hole or any other damage, it could contain a pest. After you bring home your food, inspect it closely for pests. Look for egg casings and pests themselves.
  • Check Dates: Old items could have pantry pests. Before buying any baking products, check the expiration date. Go through your pantry and look for outdated products. If anything is expired, throw it away.
  • Clean Regularly: The cleaner your kitchen is, the less likely you are to have pests. If food or drinks spill in your home, clean the area immediately. After meals, clean off your table, counters, and floor. When you throw out your food, make sure to do so in garbage cans with lids. Once every few months, do a deep clean of your home. Empty your pantry and clean the shelves off with soap and water.
  • Seal Cracks: Some pests enter your home through holes and cracks in the exterior. Inspect your home for potential entrances and seal them up. Even if you’re not handy with tools, you can seal holes with caulk or sealant.
  • Work With Us: For effective pest control, you need the help of a professional. If you need assistance with an existing infestation or want prevention advice, contact us at Big Blue Bug Solutions. We’re ready to help.