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Three Easy & Effective Termite Prevention Tips For Connecticut Property Owners

termites in rotten wood

Connecticut residents can’t procrastinate when it comes to pest control. We live in a climate that is conducive to a variety of pests, some of which are merely a nuisance where others introduce illness that puts the health and well-being of our family members, friends, and pets at risk. Some of the most costly insects to infest our homes or businesses are termites. These silent destroyers will get inside your building and methodically damage its structural integrity. If you aren't actively looking for them, you may not notice there's a problem for months or even years.

Termites are wood-destroying insects. Each year, they create $5 billion in deterrence and recovery costs in the United States. Many insurance companies don’t cover these expenses because they consider it to be a preventable situation. That said, it’s wise to know the best methods for hindering termite activity. Fortunately, our experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions have all the answers when it comes to termite control. We the preventative tools to stop a termite problem before it starts, and we tried and true methods to eliminate an established termite problem.  To start, there are some precautions you can take to keep termites out of your Connecticut home or business. 

Tip #1 Take Care of Your Interiors and Exteriors

Termites gravitate to water damaged or decaying wood the most. If you have any indoors or outdoors, have it refurbished. Otherwise, have it removed. All moisture problems, such as leaky pipes, need to be repaired. This is particularly important if the issue is causing the wood to get wet. Inspect the areas around your foundations, walls, and utility lines. Holes you find should be sealed. You can try using caulk. Your vents and gutters need to be cleaned regularly. The reason for these steps is to eliminate entryways for termites and exclude the things they are drawn to.

Worker termites are 1/8 of an inch long and have grayish-white or white bodies. They do most of the dirty work, hiding behind walls. Yellow-brown soldiers protect them. The ½ of an inch long winged swarmers are the ones that mate and form nests. When a colony reaches capacity, the swarmers take off, fleeing from structural voids and cracks. Then, you’ll see them fluttering around light sources. If you spot them, you no doubt have an infestation. Other critical indicators are:

  • Discolored and/or sinking drywall
  • Walls with multiple pin-point holes, mud tubes, and/or maze patterns in them
  • Loose floor tiles and floorboards that are giving in
  • Paint that is peeling, stained, or bubbling, and looks like it’s water damaged
  • Wood that sounds hollow when tapped or knocked on
  • Finding shed swarmer wings that appear similar to fish scales
  • Hearing clicking and ticking sounds behind foundations

Tip #2 Spruce Up Your Yard 

Termites can find the wood and moisture they require in your yard. They will be happy to eat up trees and logs or fester around greenery. This in mind, you must get all rotting organic matter off your lawn. Loose wood, such as firewood and carpentry lumber, need to be away from the soil. Moreover, it should be stored several feet from your property. Shrubs, flowers, and plants need to be distanced as well. Make it a habit to groom and trim them. 

Tip #3 Call Big Blue Bug Solutions for Termite Help 

Please don’t try to exterminate termites independently. The majority of retail products don’t work sufficiently, and chemical exposure can be dangerous for humans and pets. Put your safety first and call Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our insured and licensed technicians will inject eco-friendly products into the soil and affected spaces that will reach the infestation center. Afterward, you’ll receive a service warranty that will last for one year. It can easily be renewed, and you'll have the option to transfer it to new owners if necessary. Don’t let termites take away your home or business! Call us today!
