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The Secret To Effective Tick Control Around Your Portland Property

a tick on human skin

There are many insects that thrive off of the blood of humans and animals. In most cases, a critter will puncture or bite into the skin to extract blood. This results in a bump that’s usually itchy and red. Many Portland residents find these bug bites disconcerting enough. But there are more reasons to be concerned. As insects go from host to host, they can transmit diseases, sometimes, devastating and/or deadly diseases.

Ticks are tiny creatures that feed on blood and they too can spread illnesses. Home and business owners need to educate themselves on tick species in Portland so they can guard themselves effectively. It is also helpful to be aware of what Big Blue Bug Solutions has to offer when it comes to ticks.

What Ticks Are Common in Portland?

American dog and deer ticks are two of the most common kinds of ticks in the area. American dog ticks, also called wood ticks, have four pairs of legs. Their size varies from 9/64 to 13/64 of an inch long. However, when they’ve consumed blood, the females can get as big as 19/32 of an inch. 

Fully developed deer ticks are around the same size as American dog ticks. There’s a slight difference though, as their females swell up to 25/64 of an inch long after feeding. The red-brown or brown bodies of deer ticks are outlined by eight black legs. As their name hints, these bugs target deer and livestock. Nonetheless, domestic pets and humans aren’t off their menu.

Lone star ticks are moderately prevalent in this region. They have noticeable white streaks and marks on their bodies. Females have a distinguishing round shape on their backs. Similar to the previously mentioned subspecies, they have eight legs and will munch on wild creatures, livestock, domestic animals, and humans. Here are two very critical things you must know about ticks:

  • How you get them: Ticks crawl onto and embed themselves into your skin, or that of a pet. Take extra precautions when you travel into their breeding grounds. Humid and shady spaces that are grassy, wooded, or filled with animals are hubs for these pests. 
  • How they can hurt you: When a tick bites, you won’t feel it. While not every experience leads to disease, trouble comes if you begin to feel sick. If you have a headache, nausea, breathing difficulties, fever, or weakness, seek medical attention. Ticks can trigger Lyme disease, tularemia, ehrlichiosis, and the Heartland virus, among other possibly fatal conditions.

How Can Ticks Be Prevented?

You can reduce the chances of you or your pet encountering a tick if you do the following:

  • Keep your yard free of debris, and groom it regularly. Trim the grass often.
  • Immediately inspect your skin, clothes, and pets after being in places ticks frequent.  
  • Put on long socks, pants, long-sleeved shirts, and boots before going into known tick spots.
  • Make use of tick repellent products.
  • Have a discussion with your pet’s veterinarian regarding tick prevention.
  • Groom your animals and pets routinely. 
  • Call Big Blue Bug Solutions if you have problems with other creatures ticks feed on, such as mice. 

What Can Big Blue Bug Solutions Do About Ticks?

The licensed and specially trained technicians at Big Blue Bug Solutions know exactly what to do to exterminate ticks. We are able to draw conclusions about the root of an infestation. Using advanced, safe, and environmentally friendly products, the team will be able to treat affected areas. Measures will be employed to prevent future issues. Give us a call and we will get started on making your home and property as tick-free as possible!
