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What Are These Little Red Bugs In My Milford Home?

clover mite up close

When little red bugs invade your home by the thousands, it can have you wondering what on earth is going on. Those little red bugs are called clover mites, and there are a few things you should know about them. Here are 4 things every Milford resident should know about clover mites.

1. Clover Mites Are Not Dangerous

As soon as you heard the word mite, did the hairs on the back of your neck start to tingle? It is probably because you know of a mite that can be a danger to you, your family, and your pets. Scabies mites, for instance, burrow into the skin and lay their eggs. That is certainly not a mite you want inside your home. Chiggers are mite larvae that don't just bite you, they inject a skin-digesting saliva into the wound. Dust mites are microscopic organisms that can live on your pillowcase, sheets, and many other surfaces in your home. That's disturbing! And their shed materials and waste can cause an allergic reaction. Clover mites don't do any of these things. As mites go, they're actually pretty great. They don't bite or cause an allergic reaction. So you don't have too much to fear when you find thousands of these red, green, or brown bugs in your home.

2. Clover Mites Might Stain Your Stuff

You need to be cautious when you clean up clover mites. When squashed, clover mites can stain rugs, curtains, wallpaper, furniture, and fabrics. We recommend using a strong vacuum to suck them up rather than trying to wipe them up.

3. Why You Probably Got Clover Mites

Fertilizer: These bugs are plentiful in a yard that has landscaping or turfgrass that is well-fertilized.

Vegetation near your home: When they come in close to feed on plants, they can get inside your home by accident. They often get into homes during the spring as lush vegetation is an attractant.

Conditions outside changed: During the fall, these bugs can enter your home as plants outside begin to perish and food sources dwindle.

4. How To Keep Clover Mites Out

If these bugs continue to be pests inside your home, there are a few things you can do about them. These tips come from the National Pest Management Association.

  • Create an 18- to 24-inch buffer around the exterior of your home. Remove any vegetation and create a dry zone that clover mites will not want to venture over.
  • Trim bushes, shrubs, and tree branches away from your exterior so that these bugs don't use them as bridges to get to entry points that are high above the ground.
  • Do a detailed inspection of your foundation walls and exterior to locate any gaps, holes, cracks, and other potential entry points. Use a caulking gun to seal up most vulnerabilities.
  • Contact a licensed pest control professional and have a pest control barrier put in place around your home. This is where Big Blue Bug Solutions can help!

Clover Mite Control

Of all the pests that can get into your home, clover mites are one of the least dangerous. We have pests that bite and sting and spread harmful bacteria, serious diseases, human pathogens, allergens, parasitic worms, and the list goes on and on. When you invest in residential pest control for your Milford home, you don't just get control of clover mites; you get control of all of those other harmful pests as well. If you're ready to get your protection in place, we'd love to help you. Reach out to Big Blue Bug Solutions today. We provide service in Milford and throughout New England. Find out if you're in our service area.