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Secret To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Worcester Home

spider on floor

Have you had enough of spiders in your basement, spiders in your attic, spiders making webs in the upper corners of your living room, or finding a big, fat, hairy spider sitting on the drain in your bathtub or shower? Would you prefer to not have spiders crawling on you while you're sleeping? There are some things you can do to prevent spiders from getting into your home and finding conditions inside your home that are conducive to their habitation. Let's take a look at how it works.

The first step in having a spider-free home is to make it less likely that a spider will be able to get into your home. You can do this in two ways.

Attractants — Spiders come near to your home because the conditions around your home are ideal. There are a few things that spiders are attracted to.

  • Food sources such as flying or crawling insects
  • High humidity which attracts insects
  • Dense vegetation which is a food source for insects
  • Objects in the yard (Many insects will hide under or inside the objects in your yard. Spiders get into these locations to catch a meal.)
  • Exterior lights (Many insects are drawn to light and spiders establish webs near lights to catch them.)
  • Open trash (Many insects feed on organic material found in your trash. Spiders feed on those insects.)
  • Water sources such as puddles and containers (This gives spiders a drink.)

Altering conditions that increase pest activity around your home will work to reduce the spiders that eat those pests. Fewer spiders near your home will result in fewer spiders inside your home.

Exclusion — When spiders come near to your Worcester home (and they will) it is important that they don't find a way to get inside. While it is nearly impossible to completely seal spiders out of your home, you can reduce the number of available entry points and make it harder for them to get inside. Here are some tips:

  • Seal gaps and cracks in foundation walls, particularly around pipes and wire conduits.
  • Seal gaps, cracks, and holes in window and door frames.
  • Fixed damaged screens.
  • Repair chipped mortar.
  • Install door sweeps for exterior doors that don't have them.
  • Replace damaged or worn-out weather stripping on exterior doors.

Reducing And Eliminating Spiders Inside

There are a few eco-friendly solutions for spider management. One that works quite well is the application of glue boards. While glue boards won't give you complete control, they can help you reduce spiders and monitor spider activity.

Another way to reduce spiders is to remove webs when you see them. This will frustrate spiders. More importantly, it can remove eggs from your home, potentially removing hundreds of hatchlings.

Making It Hard For Spiders To Live In Your Home

When spiders find a way into your home (and they will) you can make it hard for them to grow a population, and reduce their desire to stay, by eliminating food sources. There are several ways to do this:

  • Keep things clean so flies, ants, cockroaches, and other insects can't find a meal in your home.
  • Put fruit in the fridge instead of on the table, counter, or kitchen island. This can prevent fruit flies from developing.
  • Keep your interior trash in a container that has a lid.

Everything you do to reduce pests in your home will have an impact on spider populations.

How Big Blue Can Help

It is a lot of work to manage spiders in an eco-friendly way. When you invest in residential pest control from Big Blue Bug Solutions, you get exterior and interior pest control that is focused on eco-friendly solutions first, with a limited and targeted application of EPA-approved pest control products where they're needed. Reach out to us today and request a pest control inspection to get started. Your home will be a whole lot nicer without spiders.
